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Recent content by Gustomaximus

  1. Gustomaximus

    Tractor - Ferrari RS80 - Radiator Pump Information

    Hi Guys - I need a new radiator pump for my Ferrari RS80 tractor. I've rung around a few parts places but cant seem to find what I need. Its a bit of an obscure one - thanks in advance for any help. Engine stamped number: VM213/1*06505* Image: https://prnt.sc/Z3fKfpLhJUq1 Engine plate number...
  2. Gustomaximus

    2*12 Volt Batteries in series for 24V - What Trickle Charger?

    Thanks, that would be best if it stored outside but I have it under a shed & so easy to go straight to mains
  3. Gustomaximus

    2*12 Volt Batteries in series for 24V - What Trickle Charger?

    Thanks for the info. If I understand correctly I have 2 options: 1) 24V charger. Connect positive/negative one to each battery and charge that way across the series. 2) 12V charger x 2. Connect to each battery as usual. Seems people do this but recognise a chance something funky happens are...
  4. Gustomaximus

    2*12 Volt Batteries in series for 24V - What Trickle Charger?

    Intervals should be a few weeks (2-4) normally, or a 2 or 3 months max. I probably wouldn't go 6 months without using but good to know a disconnect is the best option if not planning to use.
  5. Gustomaximus

    2*12 Volt Batteries in series for 24V - What Trickle Charger?

    As per title I have 2 12V batteries for my Komatsu D31P dozer (see image link). I want to trickle charge for when the machine is not in use. Would I get a 12V or 24V trickle charger? Or do I need to disconnect series and do independently? https://photos.app.goo.gl/vgJDrqckjqAEqG6z8 Thanks in...
  6. Gustomaximus

    What's this part called and how to get order number?

    Just to answer I had someone add the thick steel support, but the other end broke. Im wondering if I reinforce the other end I just break something else more expensive further down then... depending on the part cost I was wondering to worder a few of them and just replace every so often when...
  7. Gustomaximus

    What's this part called and how to get order number?

    Hi Guys - complete newbie with a dozer. Ive broken a part for the second time and thinking to get new one rather than re-weld. - Dozer is a Komatsu D31-P, serial 26411 (1980's I think) - Close image of broken part: http://prntscr.com/1qhvxjt - Further out: http://prntscr.com/1qhw2e5 I think it...
  8. Gustomaximus

    D31P Undercarriage Plugs

    Thanks, yet did a clean and put grease on them. I think pulling them out to check will become part of the pre-use grease routine.
  9. Gustomaximus

    D31P Undercarriage Plugs

    Confirmed it is dry clutches. New plugs on order, I'm going for the middle ground of will put them in, and check when I do greasing etc to make sure I'm not storing leaks there. Thanks for the advice and feedback.
  10. Gustomaximus

    D31P Undercarriage Plugs

    With the leaking oil, Id left the dozer sitting for ~3months parked with the front tracks on blocks so I suspect a small leak accumulated over that time and came out all at once as I drove off. It doesn't seem to be a heavy flow/leak... but time will tell. regarding the clutch, I assume its...
  11. Gustomaximus

    D31P Undercarriage Plugs

    I have a D31-16 (Serial 26411) and realised it has 2 undercarriage plugs that are missing. I noticed as a small amount of oil came out. See the images: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tJkzbD9Yg81iZ7167 https://photos.app.goo.gl/CGf6Rzyn9CdaBGrb8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/g6DwbgMifSm6NWdw9 It is...
  12. Gustomaximus

    D31P-16 Manuals

    Hi Guys - Picked up a D31P-16 and trying to get operator/parts/service manual. I paid for some online manual but the photocopy picture quality was low to useless.... So was wondering has anyone got manuals they could share or point me in the direction of where to get decent ones? Thanks in...