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  1. D

    Can I pull a RD7 to see if the big motor is stuck

    Got my pony motor freed up, where would I find rings and gaskets ?
  2. D

    Can I pull a RD7 to see if the big motor is stuck

    ok mine has 3 exposed I have removed 13 from the pony to the block and 2 on the drive housing end and it still doesn't want to come off I haven't pried very hard for fear of hurting something maybe I need to get a little rougher
  3. D

    Can I pull a RD7 to see if the big motor is stuck

    How do I get the 2 bolts out that hold the pony motor clutch housing to the diesel block when I don't have a top cover on the clutch housing and I can't get a socket in past the starting motor clutch ?
  4. D

    Can I pull a RD7 to see if the big motor is stuck

    If I pull it do I have to worry about hurting anything in the injection system ?
  5. D

    Can I pull a RD7 to see if the big motor is stuck

    My RD7 has a stuck pony motor, which I will remove and repair, can I pull it or how else can I see if the big motor turns it has a front mount hyd pump
  6. D

    RD7 won't roll

    Haven't been able to move the adjusters on the brakes, thinking about splitting the bands with a cut off wheel just so I can get it home and repair them later, anyone have a better idea ? any help would be great Thanks
  7. D

    RD7 won't roll

    I think you back off the brakes through the covers in back, but I've got a hundred other things to do once I get it home
  8. D

    RD7 won't roll

    Thank you everyone where is the best place to buy manuals for the machine and the pony motor
  9. D

    RD7 won't roll

    I don't think so we could pick them up with a end loader and they would sag and move some
  10. D

    RD7 won't roll

    I have a RD7 I got from a family friends widow, I can move all the steering and clutch lever and it is in neutral but it still won't roll to load on a lowboy, can anyone help ?