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Search results

  1. G

    Hough h60d cummins jf-6-ci

    Thank you. So if this works, you both are saying the shutdown valve needs rebuilding/replacement, is that correct?
  2. G

    Hough h60d cummins jf-6-ci

    Thank you, I'll give it a try.
  3. G

    Hough h60d cummins jf-6-ci

    Hello, have a 1965 hough with a cummins which has run great since I've had it(2002), but recently has been running for about 4 minutes and stops dead, the motor, no coughing, sputtering, etc, just stops. I have drained the tank, looks good, replaced 2 filters. A pf-132 and a 3107. I think the...