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  1. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    im fixing to go to grandsons ball game......equip place isn't open tomorrow or Sunday....will get them to read codes Monday......thank youall for your help.........will get back here Monday
  2. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    i assumed like a car, it would have a "check engine light" that would come on, then you would read the codes
  3. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    yes, it has a trigger.....................i have a friend who works at a heavy equipment repair/buy/sell business,,,,,,,,,,,,should i carry it there to get code/codes read 1st
  4. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    I have another Cat0259DEFTL02180, 2016 model that has the thumbwheel to open/close grapple,,,,...it works the same grapple bucket like it should.......just saying this to maybe x out the bucket being the problem
  5. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    This picture is with engine running and park brake off..
  6. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    i think i posted the wrong pics.....i will get upper right hand corner and post it ,,,,,thanks
  7. R

    Cat 259D right joystick auxiliar button not working

    I have bought a 2014 CAT0259DEFTL06792, left joystick functions all work properly, right joystick functions nearly all work. When i attach the grapple bucket, the 2 open/close buttons wont do anything (no change in engine rpm. nothing)............. all fuses/2 relays are good.......... how...