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  1. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    Ok finally an update. I cleaned all connections, twice. I found that severed ground, that obviously had been severed for quite some time. But of course I replaced. Nothing. I tested battery with a load tester, it tested good, but on the low side of good. So I replaced. When replacing I noticed...
  2. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    I fear this is gonna take a while. Electrical guy came. 12v at battery, 12v at fuse box. 8v at key switch, & then 0v when key turn. Disconnect wire from switch, still 8v on the wire. But, he had to go. He took schematics & manual with him (big service manual). Anyways, any of this mean...
  3. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    Ok I replaced ground. No change, no dash lights. I checked & cleanedl the terminals & nothing. The electrical guy is on his way to see if he can figure out why key has no power so we'll see what happens there
  4. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    Well well well, after cleaning out some leaves to reveal the ground strap #3. It is severed. Looks like it has been severed for long time. How this happened is beyond me. Probably 5 or 6 years ago my father in law had brand new engine put in after he tipped it forward with raised bucket, and was...
  5. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    So I cleaned things, battery terminals. Cleaned battery cable connectors. I checked all fuses. All good now. I did have a blown one, but previous owner stuck some staples on the prongs so it appeared good. Shake my head. Arm bar is good, seat switch is good,.door switch is good. But.....no power...
  6. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    Wiil do. And I do have someone. Just a matter of getting him here. But yeah I'll do the basics & report back. I think you are the person that helped me with the LH drive info a while back, via conversation. If so thank you.
  7. A

    Cat 257b, had lights on dash, turn key, now nothing.

    I have a 257b, it has been sitting for about 6 months as I worked to save up for new drive motor. Replaced motor, filled hydraulic tank. Now I should have tested battery 1st,but I did not. I hooked up charger, 12v 30amp for half hour. Then I put charger to start mode, hopped in cab, pulled arm...