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Search results

  1. E

    David Brown / JI Case backhoe

    I thought I'd ask around on a few forums and see what info i got back. On the boom there is an additional pin hole, is this to allow the hydraulic arm to be moved further back to allow the boom to move further? What other attachments (if any) other than buckets can be attached. Is there a min...
  2. E

    David Brown / JI Case backhoe

    Whoops...That would help doh.! I may have a better one to upload.. I will have to find it.
  3. E

    David Brown / JI Case backhoe

    Hi all. I am seeking what ever information I can find on a David Brown / JI Case/Tenneco Backhoe On the boom i have the following info Type ADD 1 Serial number 12011 I have hopefully attached a picture to this post Many thanks John
  4. E

    my truck pics

    A few nice rigs in that lot.
  5. E

    my truck pics

    Some nice rigs there peoples
  6. E

    Trbo's Gallery of stuff

    Some good pics in that lot.
  7. E

    What Browsers?

    Firefox for me. IE at work.