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Search results

  1. E

    Any info on Horizon Earthworks Edmonton

    Check your private messages
  2. E

    Local authorities looking for rent from closed lanes???

    I don't see a huge problem with this...it's just another form of liquidated damages. You work the cost of the lane rental into your bid price for the work, including a reasonable contingency. If you bring the job in on-time thern there is no cost to the contractor, if you hustle, there is a...
  3. E

    Cat H Series Scrapers

    The mass works against you...trying to keep a haulroad together when 57's are beating it up is really tough. You have to put some effort into a good running surface, and its tough in a roadbuilding or subdivision environment where the workface and fill zone is constantly moving. By the time the...
  4. E

    Cat H Series Scrapers

    I ran augered and push-pull 57's for years...I still think a 31 has the best ride of the bunch.
  5. E

    Operator's Wages

    They make 3 times as much, but your true cost of living is 1/3...you are not as far behind as you think. When was the last time you paid $5/gallon for gasoline?
  6. E

    Operator's Wages

    Have a look at the cost of living in TX . Then have a look at the gorgeous palatial single wide estate half a million dollars will buy you in Ft McMurray http://www.realtor.ca/propertyDetails.aspx?propertyId=11879009&PidKey=-369468868
  7. E

    Operator's Wages

    Every trade's collective agreement is posted online http://employment.alberta.ca/apps/cba/search.asp Let's stop **** measuring and get back to the intent of this thread.
  8. E

    Erosion Control Startup, How to market it?

    I would say if you are small the key would be to specialize. Find something difficult that doesn't come up on every contract and market yourself as a specialist. Top of my head I think of in-stream works...aqua-dams, turbidity curtains, get to know the regulatory and permitting process for your...
  9. E

    Most yards in one day?

    We had a run of good weather on a highway project, and were putting in 70-80,000 m3 per day, so about 100k cy per day. It was a large combined spread with 657E's and 40 ton Volvo trucks. It's a hellish amount of dirt to get placed, compacted, and tests passed in a day though.
  10. E

    What combination of machinery do you recommend?

    Looking at it in rough terms 300,000m3 per month, 24 working days per month (max you will get with weather, days off etc). 12,500m3 per day or 1,250m3 per hour needs to be your average. For every hour lower you need an hour higher to hit your schedule. Too keep some schedule float, you...
  11. E

    Bidding work out of area

    You don't want to here what guys want up here. Most try to hold out for $195/day LOA rather than go to camp. Back when I was hotelling it it was a room shared with your cross-shift, and $25 a day for food.
  12. E

    Push pulling! What happened???

    I've picked the box up on a rock truck a dozen times...a couple 9/16ths to put the exahaust back together and get back at her. Its common enough even at Suncor they are starting to call it a near miss rather than an equipment damage. Not such a big deal for Sureway, AT and most developers...
  13. E

    Hey Guys, Alberta Vetran here.

    I have obviously been working too hard the last decade or so if I am just finding this forum. I started in the Edmonton area in the 90's by showing up at a construction site with a pair of work boots, and the rest is history I guess 6-7 years on heavy equipment. Mostly Edmonton area, but with...
  14. E

    Push pulling! What happened???

    I think that push pulling, and even scrapers in general are seeing a decline in Alberta. With the boom the talent pool for operators really declined. Green operators are dangerous push/pulling, and experienced guys are sick of working with them. Sureway, MAP, Kidco and the like have fleets...
  15. E

    What type of gravel Is best for holding water

    Any granular material you use will have some permeability, no matter what you use. A medium plastic clay will have the greatest stability and lowest permeability as a bulk material. If you must use gravel, a well graded crush with a high fines content would likely give you your best shot...
  16. E

    Any info on Horizon Earthworks Edmonton

    I have run into Lester every now and then since the Westar Pipeline days (98 I think). How he keeps finding people to back him financially is the real mystery. I bid a job against him in the winter of 2008/2009, and he came in at 35% of our price. Three weeks later our equipment managers...