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  1. B

    Vancouver Island, BC. Logging at its Best!

    I have something to say, it has been along time since bcfp and cfpl have been aound why dont every contractor out there get together and reform these two well known outfits including paint logos, the works, maybe even throw in cz, to really bring back the memories. cheers.
  2. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Hello, I'm guessing this is where the new renfrew marina is located. i remember bcfp when i worked for them,moved from beach camp to there new location where the marina is located, there was also a log sort there as well. i believe this camp was torn down 1988. i do how ever remember there was a...
  3. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    I was up on oldrenfrew road last year, the bear creek trestle is still up on the hillside, with its center missing sadly, my dad remembers when they blew the center out with dynamite, after they decomissioned the camp. around 1964 i believe. harris creek camp was closed around 67 from what my...
  4. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Hello, just wondering im trying to refurbish my old bullard hard had and the old bcfp logo has warn off, Were trying to recreate the replica, i wonder if maybe you could take another picture of the hard hat up close, I have a collection of this stuff actually one of a kind and plan on opening a...
  5. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Sorry wrong, what year was this because cn rail stopped using the railway behond youbou sawmill as of the 60's, the rais and ties were later covered over with gravel and dirt , in the early 70's the road from the sawmill was a actually logging road, bcfp converted from rail to trucks, my uncle...
  6. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Nopehaven't lost you at all, moore and whittington owned nitnat division and water tower until the 70's it was 1974 rosander was built, acording to myuncle bob, who was a dozer operator, billy malloch and des mosley never used kenworths because they couldn'tstandup to there driver's abuse lol...
  7. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    if everyones into restoring older trucks it would be a shame to let this old girl just continue to sit there and rot, i think it wouldn't hurt to go chat with the owner and see if a deal couldn't be reached to purchase her and get her in a nice warm comfy shop, with some tunes playing, hayes...
  8. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Hello, you say bcfp sold nitinat camp to crown zellerbach in the 50's seem's kinda strange because it was owned by moore and whittington at this time off rosander main, it was kinsinger lake that was crown zellerbach in the 70's maybe earlier, my dad worked there thats how i know that one, west...
  9. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    1948 hayes Nice dual axel dump truck,looks like it's still restorable, maybe someone out there should see if they could haul it out, or buy it if someones ownes it, wheres this at anyways???:)
  10. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    it was dale malloch of metchosin, who restored a 72 kenworth logging truck, the malloch and mosley logging truck as it was called, it has been going to every xmas light truckparade for years, where they all end up at western speedway, i have pics of her 8 years ago, with dale and his beard, i...
  11. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    hey there, chum eh interesting no one on his crew ever called him that, wes was around way before the 70's he started in the 50's along with other's, his machinery colors or company colors were green and white, he wouldtrucklog's down to muir creek log dump where malloch and mosley was for...
  12. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    I wonder if dale malloch will be there with his 72 kenworth logging truck retored as malloch and mosley logging limited, and hayes old restored hayes logger as well
  13. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Mr,Wesley carley his birth name Mr. Wesley Carley was his name, everyone knew him by this name, why would he go by any other name, with over a 100 employee's no one of them called him chum, so I'm thinking you have the wrong guy period, same with les longland of cragg creek logging and...
  14. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    here some old school, caps from my years,
  15. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    His name wasn't chum carley hoglogg,and yes i know you at your shop on the hat, his name was wesley carley, of carley logging limited of victoria bc,wes, worked along side cragg creek logging limited up there, staverman logging and timber were also good friends with wes and his son, i knew them...
  16. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    I worked for western forest industries aka,, Rayonier canada, (BC) Limited, at gordon river camp, then in 83 or around there it was sold to bcfp, from what i know being a share holder of bcfp, every employeee, i knew owned a piece of bcfp, I had shares in western as well, and made a handsome...
  17. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    Hoglogg, did you work for the world famous bc forest products on van island and any of there contractor's, i think we need to start a carley and maloch and mosley page, they were equaly as famous, as they they did alot of sub work for bcfp and macmillan blodel, and the same goes for sooke...
  18. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    It.s sad that timberwaste isn't around anymore,as they have been sold, lol bcfp was goodtimes, but as many have mentioned, the housing market fell threw and alot of outfits sold out, as quick as they could change they under pants,lol im still wondering what ever happened to nitnat logging camp...
  19. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    nice pics there,now does anyone have any pics of carley logging of victoria bc?????
  20. B

    British Columbia Forest Products Ltd.

    His name was wesley carley owner of carley logging limited ofvictoria bc, he had a huge shop of millstream road in langford, right where the home depot is today, wesley did contract logging for bcfp for 50 years along side of billy malloch and des mosley logging limited of langford, sadly wesley...