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Search results

  1. S

    Komatsu PC160-7 Serial no: K45462

    Thanks John, I will have a look into this, but it seems weird tot me that the machine flashes and beeps at me for about 10 minutes after the key is switched off, then suddenly goes quiet and the panel goes blank as normal?? The it starts up fine the next morning and operates with no warnings or...
  2. S

    Komatsu PC160-7 Serial no: K45462

    Hi folk, Does anyone know much about Komtraks / Komatsu diagnostics? The machine is beeping at me AFTER I shut it down... I think it may be something to do with the communication with the Komtraks system? See attached photos of the error screen. Also when the key is shut off, the screen...
  3. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

    Hi all, Was just browsing and saw this thread become active again - update - I never did cure the dash3 gremlins on this machine, although it never actually stopped her working for me, and I ended up getting a lot of use out of the machine. She is now (I assume) still plugging away on a job...
  4. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

    Thanks for the schematic Joeblow - your help is really appreciated. Will pull that valve between the two pump inlets and take a look and report back asap. $110/hr ~ $1000/day? Why isn't everyone a mechanic out there??!!
  5. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

    £35 would be real cheap.....if he ever fixed anything! Bear in mind that's $56/hr in your money - what's the going rate in Victoria/BC? I hear you re a service manual - will check with HM Plant (hitachi's uk parts subsidiary), in the past they've adopted a confused silence whenever an EX model...
  6. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

    Joeblow - cheers for the good advice, this makes sense to me and although I'm inexperienced, it does feel more like a control/pump/flow issue, rather than a case of gradually increasing oil pressure loss from a leaking/cracked rotary manifold. My reasoning for this is that the fault is either...
  7. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

    Thanks for the responses so far - the hydraulic oil isn't getting excessively hot, but it does get hotter the harder you work her - as with all machines I have used (my komatsu has a hyd oil temp gauge). The problem only manifests itself when the hyd oil is at 'full' hot operating temp, not...
  8. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Haven't got around to looking at this yet, as I've been flat out with other jobs but cheers for the advice joeblow - will let you know if the rubber boot is the culprit once I get a good look at it, sounds like this must be the problem
  9. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 weird tracking fault

    Got another wee intermittent fault on my '96 dash 3 ex200 which I would be grateful for any advice on; The machine tracks along perfect from cold start up and under light operating conditions, each of the 3 tracking speeds function correctly, tracks run at same speed, tracking power is normal...
  10. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Ps. On a different issue, my slew ring gear grease cavity (accessed from the inspection plate in the tool box step) fills up with water all the time on this machine. I was climbing a steep bank yesterday and it was p*ssing water out - how is this supposed to drain? I've pumped it out before...
  11. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Joeblow, cheers for the advice, I changed the solenoid for an old one I had lying around and she's been working away fine of late, though not on anything too hardcore. The only fault of late has been that when the hyd oil gets really hot, the tracking intermittently goes really slow - I suspect...
  12. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Quick update; kit went on pretty easily with no major hitches...but, we couldn't get the machine to run well despite trying various shim combinations on both sides of the plug stopper. Power was fine but speed was well down compared to electronic control, ie about 35% of it's old self. Not...
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    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Not sure if it's '100%' Hitachi, but it's certainly not Chinese - I purchased from O'meara Parts in Ireland. Comes with pretty comprehensive fitting instructions etc but I've not unpacked the kit as yet. Will post back how I get on and whether it performs as billed - god how I hope so! If so...
  14. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Bought the kit - fitting on Tuesday..........
  15. S

    Opinions wanted - Komatsu PC160LC-7

    Yes, as far as I can find out the machine has been looked after very well, serviced fully on the schedule, one driver who considered it his 'baby'. Good to hear that all things being equal, these machines tend to be dependable units, thanks.
  16. S

    Opinions wanted - Komatsu PC160LC-7

    Anyone??? Dash 7 Komatsus in general?
  17. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Has anyone got experience of the 'manual regulator' kits? I am very tempted to go down this road, as I'm sick of electrical gremlins...
  18. S

    Opinions wanted - Komatsu PC160LC-7

    On another subject entirely unrelated to my EX200 thread below (honest!), what's everyone's opinions of the reliability of the Komatsu dash 7 series? I'm being offered a 2008 4050hr Komatsu PC160LC-7 at what seems to me reasonable money and wondering if this is a good buy to replace my cursed...
  19. S

    Hitachi EX200-3 pump noise

    Still working on this - will report back when I have a definitive answer, but one source is now telling me this is normal - just the solenoids firing to keep the pump on stream... Not sure at all, but it could possibly be related to a worn/weal pilot pump too. More pressing is to fix the...
  20. S

    Hitachi EX220-3 Oil Cooler Leak - Aftermarket Ideas?

    These guys might ship; http://www.westcoolirl.com They built one for my EX200 for €650 Euro and shipped to Scotland pretty cheaply Good luck