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  1. S

    Galion 830B Shifter Issue

    I have a 1997 model. It will randomly not go into forward gears, but will always shift into reverse gears. I can take shifter out and put back in and it will usually work. A giant pain. Anyone know what's going on or what the fix is ? Thanks in advance.
  2. Jose Alvarez

    Older CAT 950 Shifter Arrangement

    Hello All! Looking at an older CAT 950 loader and I noticed the shifter was not the typical twist type gear selector but instead a single shift lever...any idea on when CAT made the change between the two? Also any idea on the year of this machine? Serial Number is 90A803. Thanks
  3. J

    762a transmission shifter bypass

    I have a 762a. Has anyone figured out a way to bypass the shifter switch AT105927 ( the part that Can not be found) or a way to set the shifter up on toggles or a rotary switch? Don’t want to scrap this machine.
  4. M

    Lull 644B stuck in low gear

    I bought a 1995 Highlander a few months ago. It has worked great, but I noticed when we would trailer it, the fan was hitting the shroud. I found the motor mount behind the drivers seat broke putting the drive train in a bind. Yesterday I replaced all the motor mounts and now I cant get it out...