Jerome Madson
Cat 247b how to lock the aux hydraulic to stay running
Jerome Madson
Jerome Madson
Sorry machinery doesn't work like vehicles with model years. We're going to need a Serial Number, MTL-something I would imagine.It’s a 2010 247b
Sorry machinery doesn't work like vehicles with model years. We're going to need a Serial Number, MTL-something I would imagine.
The title says "Aux hyd. on 247b won't stay running". By that do you mean the Aux Hydraulics actually start up but then stop again when you release the thumbwheel roller/push button switch.?
Have you tested anything yet.?
That's weird.Yes it starts when I roll it forward and stops when I release it. Can’t get it to stay running
This is how I think it works. I'm not 100% sure, maybe someone else can confirm.As long as I hold the roller it runs
Confirming what I posted above. This is definitely how it works. The thumb roller turns on the system, the press-button on the LH joystick provides the latching signal.This is how I think it works. I'm not 100% sure, maybe someone else can confirm.
First need a Serial Number to identify the correct electrical schematic for your particular machine. I can send that to you once we've identified the correct one. I'll post up the fuse layout as well once we have a S/N.i cant get my continuous flow switch to work either.
Effectively continuous flow depends on two signals. You have the first one from the roller switch, but it appears as though the "latching signal" from the LH joystick push button is missing. The LH joystick C1 push button sends a voltage to pull in the C1 continuous flow relay. The C2 button sends voltage to pull in the C2 i just checking to see if there is power there. From the line digram it looks like those have nothing to do with the continuous flow switch?