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Bosch GLL 150 E and LR3 Receiver


Senior Member
May 19, 2010
Western PA
Civil Engineer
So I have a Bosch GLL 150 E laser and an LR3 receiver. The problem is my receiver no longer makes a loud enough tone to be useful. If I am not looking directly at the display. I can't tell if I am on grade or not.

I attempted to get my unit repaired with no help from Bosch. I also purchased an LR10 receiver but it only works to about 1 foot from the sending unit. Does anyone know if there is a way to repair the speaker on the LR3 or what a compatible receiver would be for the sensing unit? I don't want to buy a new system if it's not needed.


Senior Member
May 19, 2010
Western PA
Civil Engineer
All right, So I put an email into Bosch and I'm a bit ticked off. The receiver is no longer in production and its the only receiver to work with that laser. So, I think I'm going to look at another company just because the bad taste in my mouth. I have been considering stepping up to a single slope TopCon laser. Anyone have any thoughts? It looks like for around $700 I can get a unit and receiver. I already have a grade rod and a tri-pod so thats no big deal.