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Demo Insurance, and Demo Regulations? (Illinois)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2012
I have a few questions regarding demo work. We are getting approached more and more it seems about doing demo work and I am about to pull the trigger on a excavator for demo as well as ditch work and land clearing.

My questions are what is allowed and what is not? I know what needs to be done with asbestos, but what about lead paint? What about burning if in the country (a large percentage of the jobs we do are in the country, homes, corn cribs, grain bin foundations). What can be buried what can't be?

In terms of residential demo (in small towns of 100-2000) what is legally allowed in Illinois in most cases?

When it comes to insurance does anyone have a ballpark figure as to what a yearly premium may be? Our insurance man is figuring at least $5,000 a year. We currently are insured and do a lot of ditch work with a backhoe, and a lot of driveways/dump truck/skid steer work. Does anyone have any ideas?
