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Drilling and Cutting Lubricants...


Senior Member
Jun 2, 2012
27.2730° N, 80.3582° W
I don't how many times I have seen seasoned Tradesmen, Mechanics and DYI's break out a drill or holesaw and not lubricate it before use. Often times it is these very same folks who complain that their bits or holesaws never seem to last, gee go figure. Before I got into the heavy equipment operating business I was an Electrcian and still am one and we drill and cut metal for a living. An Uncle of mine was an aviation machinist for the military and private sector for years and he still has some of the same bits he purchased decades ago and they're still as sharp as can be.

His secret? Drilling lubricants NOT WD40, CRC or any aerosol or liquid based variety but the stick or gel type. You dip your bit in the tube once maybe twice and that's all you'll need up to 1/2" steel. I use either Hougen Slick Stick or Lenox Lube Tube, with these lubricants you can store them in your service truck and they won't melt and become useless.

What are some of your stories and experiences with different types of stick or tube lube?


Mar 11, 2012
Spring Twp. Pa.
Heavy equipment mech.
Lenox Lube Tube is very good I use it everytime I cut with my band saw or drill and even when I cut with a cutoff wheel it helps. good post Ill bet alot of guys may not know of this


Senior Member
Jun 2, 2012
27.2730° N, 80.3582° W
I agree completely,

I use Lenox Lube Tube whenever my hacksaw, band saw or recip saw comes out and Hougen for drilling and holesaws. I have drill bits, blades and holesaws that are over ten years old. The trouble I had in the beginning using liquid or aerosol lubricants was both making a terrible mess. There are other stick or gel type products available but most have a very low melting point, stored in a work vehicle they would turn to goo.

I hope like you, that those that don't know will now know.
Lenox Lube Tube is very good I use it everytime I cut with my band saw or drill and even when I cut with a cutoff wheel it helps. good post Ill bet alot of guys may not know of this