The dollar is strong because the Fed changed their policy, causing the change. The change in oil prices is about 90% due to the dollar strengthening, OPEC isn't doing anything different than they ever do, except the house of Saud refuses to cut back production to try to hold the price up, having been burned by other OPEC members the last time we had a big swing. Since most of their wells and pipelines were installed and paid for decades ago by English and American oil companies, their production cost is near the lowest in the world and they have trillions in cash socked away to weather the current storm with. They prefer to try to break some of the smaller producers and throttle back US drilling and increases in production. I think there's some collusion here as well, Obummer wants to poke the bear, er, Putin, because well, Obummer just isn't as manly as Putin and his ego needs stroking, so let's crash oil prices to screw Russia, and to throw the Saudis a bone we won't let Canada pump tar sand oil to the Gulf. We're constantly trying to kill living wage jobs with more emissions regulations, but in order to have a healthy balance of trade we need to produce internally and export goods to bring dollars back here. Meanwhile those thousands of ships hauling all the cheaply produced crap from India, China, Korea, Viet Nam, Slovakia, Italy, etc. and hauling our grains outbound are spewing more pollution and Co2 into the air than all of the US and Canada combined since they're burning bunker "C" with 3 or 4 % sulfur in International waters and are flagged in countries with no Sea ports so there's no regulation until they get within sight of the beach. You don't hear the EPA or the UN raising hell about that do you?