Truck Shop
Senior Member
Wonder what the world will be like when everyone is a construction equipment operator, HVAC repairman,
computer repairman, hardwood floor installer, brain surgeon, dentist, landscaper, politician-oops
forgot everyone already is that, chef, well driller, college professor, lawyer, pilot, commercial
fisherman, welder/fabricator, house framer, engine rebuilder, transmission rebuilder, farmer,
hair stylist, movie actor/director, cop, professional race driver, machinist, electrician, mortician,
Hostess Pie Magician Fruit Pie Technician.
Won't be long and he will either wind the bucket up in power lines or everyone in X amount
of distance won't be able to order from Amazon because the fiber optic hanging from a
computer repairman, hardwood floor installer, brain surgeon, dentist, landscaper, politician-oops
forgot everyone already is that, chef, well driller, college professor, lawyer, pilot, commercial
fisherman, welder/fabricator, house framer, engine rebuilder, transmission rebuilder, farmer,
hair stylist, movie actor/director, cop, professional race driver, machinist, electrician, mortician,
Hostess Pie Magician Fruit Pie Technician.
Won't be long and he will either wind the bucket up in power lines or everyone in X amount
of distance won't be able to order from Amazon because the fiber optic hanging from a