ID Number 1T0323EKCHJ308568 The skid steer was running and working perfectly. I go out to it the next morning and push the start button, enter the user code, then push the start button to start. Nothing happens, I see on the display to lower lap bar. This is different but ok, I lower the lap bar and push start. Nothing happens. Then I noticed that the seatbelt and lap bar warning lights were still on even though I lowered the bar. My first thought was that maybe it blew a fuse, so I started looking for a fuse panel. As far as I can tell this machine does not have a fuse panel, it just has random fuses here and there. I even raised the cab to get a better look at everything, still have not found a fuse panel. The only thing that I have found is a box with 12 relays. I bought a manual for the machine and there seems to be just relays no fuse panel. Any help would be great.