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Military D9 and D10

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
Sperling, Manitoba, CANADA
Earthmoving business owner
My grandfather was a combat engineer in WW2. He said if it wasn't for the 2U D8's they had, the Allied advance would have been slowed down so much that the germans would had ample time to make new defensive lines as they fell back. Military Dozers cleared the way for the allied victory all the way across france and into germany.
So Junior, if a few people stand in the way of a amoured D10R clattering along at 5 mph and get run over by it, then i say good ridance............... around the farm we knock the retarded pigs across the head when they born.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
owner of excavating company
If you cant get out of the way of a 250,000 lbs dozer you deserve to get run over. Over in those countrys they protest Cat saying they build those machines just to destroy their towns. I guess thats what Cats engineers decided when they thought of a machine of that size.

Orchard Ex

Super Moderator
Jul 6, 2005
Southern MD
Now if you want to keep asking questions about the giant track loader that you'll never buy then go ahead.
But if you want to bash my country and imply that the 9/11 attacks were deserved then I suggest that you go do it on a politics forum. :mad:

:usa :usa :usa :usa :usa :usa

RollOver Pete

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2007
Indio, Ca
Operating Engineer/mechanic
If you cant get out of the way of a 250,000 lbs dozer you deserve to get run over.

I don't care who or where you are. I could care less about what God you believe in or what political party you belong to. And what someone thinks about me isn't my problem.
Now, lets look at your earlier reply...

If you cant get out of the way of a 250,000 lbs dozer you deserve to get run over.

Do you really, truly mean that?
I guess it's OK of you do.

I wouldn't wish that on any human or any living creature.
...... I really don't feel like getting into details.... but if you have seen first hand what I've seen....up close....really close... you'd never make a comment like that. :thumbdown

Ok Junior...
I'm speaking for only 1 person here...ok?

Junior...why you wanna post that kinda stuff here?
I'm not saying that you are wrong....you're probably wright with whats happening in that part of the world. We on this side of the ocean have no concept as to what really happens over there. I believe that our poor excuse of a "news media" only tells us what they want us to hear. In fact, it's probably best that we don't know the truth. I doubt we could handle the truth.
In this forum, maybe we should stay focused on big Tractors and dirt and stuff related to Tractors and dirt. That way, no one gets insulted or bent outa shape. Just better that way.... Hope you understand. :cool2

To all.....sorry for going off topic...:Banghead
please accept my apology.....


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
I think junior's comments are useful in that we, here in America, might never get to hear how we're seen through the eyes of other people, in other cultures. My personal opinion is that our government has certainly made some bad decisions, sometimes. I also believe that over the years, we've done some very good things throughout the world. Use this discussion as a stimulus to think about that, and ponder the things that differentiate between the two. Nobody--no government, no political group, no person, is perfect. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

One of the things that I think is most useful about this site, and the internet in general, is that so many of us are getting to meet people who are different than ourselves, and we're finding out that the things we deal with everyday, as people, aren't really so different at all. Better we should focus on what brings us together, than what keeps us apart.

There are a lot of problems in this world, but we're not going to be able to solve them on HEF.

In this forum, maybe we should stay focused on big Tractors and dirt and stuff related to Tractors and dirt. That way, no one gets insulted or bent outa shape. Just better that way.... Hope you understand.

Very well said, Pete.

Peace To Everyone, The Real Peace.

Very well said, Junior.
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