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Mixer Paver


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2019
Ever since I witnessed Bessie from Cars, I wanted to make a human-operated version of Bessie. And recently, I think I found a matching real life machine to base it off of for the construction simulator games.
From this episode, I discovered the existence of a "mixer paver". But so far, the only 2 suspects I have on my list that resemble what I see here are the Midland Mix Paver 400 and the Midland Mix Paver 800.

If there's anymore mixer pavers out there I need to know about, please give me their manufacturer names and models so I can analyze them to see if any of them look like they can bear a resemblance to Bessie from Cars. The only catch is my Bessie will be operated by humans instead of andromorphic cars.

cuttin edge

Senior Member
Nov 9, 2014
NB Canada
Finish grader operator
Ever since I witnessed Bessie from Cars, I wanted to make a human-operated version of Bessie. And recently, I think I found a matching real life machine to base it off of for the construction simulator games.
From this episode, I discovered the existence of a "mixer paver". But so far, the only 2 suspects I have on my list that resemble what I see here are the Midland Mix Paver 400 and the Midland Mix Paver 800.

If there's anymore mixer pavers out there I need to know about, please give me their manufacturer names and models so I can analyze them to see if any of them look like they can bear a resemblance to Bessie from Cars. The only catch is my Bessie will be operated by humans instead of andromorphic cars.
Miller group is big in Canada. They run road reclaiming trains. There is one here in Atlantic Canada, Northern Group also has one. Both companies have used the train on jobs for us, but I have never really paid close attention to what brands they are running. Seems to me that Northern has a Road Tec asphalt transfer vehicle for mixing before dumping into a regular asphalt spreader. Asphalt Mag has a fb page. Rock to road is a free subscription, lots of paving articles. Keep an eye out for heavy equipment shows in the spring. Not sure where in Canada you are, but the show in New Brunswick is supposed to be a go in Moncton in April. Do not ever remember much paving gear at that one