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PBE 50th Anniversary


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2004
Pine Bush Ny
Construction, small engine and machine shop work
I had forgotten about this until tuney443 mention Pine Bush Equipment in another thread.

PBE is having their 50th Anniversary celebration on Saturday April 8th at their Pine Bush location. I was at their 45th and it was a fun time. Free food is always good and it was neat to watch various area operators compete in the "equipment rodeo". More info will be put up on their website http://www.pbeinc.com/index04.htm

I'm planning on going, but plans have a way of changing. It would make a nice event to promote this site, maybe a stack flyers on a table for people to stuff in their goodie bags or something. Or maybe just a friendly competition in the rodeo between any members from here that can make it:yup .

Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up.

Steve Frazier

Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
LaGrangeville, N.Y.
Thanks Cat, I hadn't heard about that! I'd like to go and do just as you mention, but I've got a bow hunter's course to attend that same day. Hopefully the hours will allow a stop there at some point. It would be a good opportunity for the guys in the Hudson Valley to meet one another.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2004
Pine Bush Ny
Construction, small engine and machine shop work
They went most of the day for their 45th, so I can only imagine that the 50th will be equally as good.


Senior Member
Mar 19, 2006
Dutchess County,NY
excavating contractor
Thanks Cat--I did'nt hear either.Do they have just case hoes for the rodeo? I remember years ago when Newquip in Beacon was having their grand opening and they had a little rodeo.Well, my son who was about 7 at the time came with me.He was pretty good on my 510B so we entered him in the kid's class.He won the event of putting basketballs in a garbage can-got a TV--but yours truly was so worried he might smack some bystander in the head,that the hoe I was running next to him at the same time for adult competition,I completely flattened my garbage can.Rubbermaid should have been there because that sucker sprung right back into shape.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2004
Pine Bush Ny
Construction, small engine and machine shop work
At the 45th anniversary they had a 580 or 590 set up for the ameteur competition (which allowed children) and it was picking up a metal fish and placing it in a frying pan. They had an area roped off around each machine so that it was impossible to hit anyone.

They had two or three large Case excavators set up for the professionals. One was set up for putting basketballs in a bucket, another was set up for some kind of pipe laying operation, and I can't remember the other. It was a good time, so I hope they do something similar. There were so many kids that went home with prizes or just had fun sitting on all the equipment. They even had 1 or 2 Playstations set up with Powershovel on them. I don't think anyone went home unhappy.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2004
Pine Bush Ny
Construction, small engine and machine shop work
It was a nasty day, I think it even snowed a little, but I still had fun. Here's my pictures from the day. http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/foody580/album?.dir=/342c

They had a pipelaying test with a 580, picking up basketballs with a CX130, and an oval course of cones that was run with a 450 tracked skidsteer. I did well in all events except the skidsteer one.

They also had a Case mini-ex for the kids competition.

I sure got a lot of attention for wearing my Cat hat at a Case event:bouncegri

Steve Frazier

Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
LaGrangeville, N.Y.
Thanks for posting! I wasn't able to make it there, my bow course ran until almost 6pm! I did great at the course though, scored 3 out of 3 bullseyes from 20 yards and scored 100 on the written test. The deer better beware this season!!

I ran a dozer just like the old one you posted for a guy I worked for years ago. I wasn't a bad machine for what it was.


Senior Member
Oct 11, 2004
Pine Bush Ny
Construction, small engine and machine shop work
Steve Frazier said:
Thanks for posting! I wasn't able to make it there, my bow course ran until almost 6pm! I did great at the course though, scored 3 out of 3 bullseyes from 20 yards and scored 100 on the written test. The deer better beware this season!!

I ran a dozer just like the old one you posted for a guy I worked for years ago. I wasn't a bad machine for what it was.

I can believe it about the dozer. It looked like it had pretty nice features for being roughly 50 years old.

I wasn't able to stay the whole time either, because I had a job interview with a recycling place. I'm trying to set something up for the middle of May when I graduate college. I have to go back in 3 weeks to show them if I can handle a machine.
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