• Thank you for visiting HeavyEquipmentForums.com! Our objective is to provide industry professionals a place to gather to exchange questions, answers and ideas. We welcome you to register using the "Register" icon at the top of the page. We'd appreciate any help you can offer in spreading the word of our new site. The more members that join, the bigger resource for all to enjoy. Thank you!

Profile Page Posting Disabled

Steve Frazier

Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
LaGrangeville, N.Y.
As a result of a number of complaints from members that they are having heavy equipment questions posted to their Profile Page and a discussion among the Moderators, we've elected to disable posting to profile pages. You should still be able to personalize your signatures. Posting to the profile pages and "Conversations" seemed redundant as well, "Conversations" (or private messages) may still be sent to respective members but please refrain from sending Heavy Equipment questions (unless asked by that member) through "Conversations" and post a "Thread" in the logical forum. This allows all members an opportunity to help with your problem. Thank you.


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
IMHO there should be a "Read This First" banner at the top of the main page like all good software programs, with a clickable link that walks potential new members through the process of registering, creating a profile, how to start a thread (inc. the need to post Serial numbers), contact Mods, etc, etc. A kind of "one stop shop" of all the basic FAQs.

The issue that I see is that the older generation grew up with forums and have no issues with them, been using them for years. For the Facebook/Instagram/Snapchat/Twitter generaiton HEF might be the first forum they've ever joined and it's all Greek to them because it does not function in the same way as their normal preferred communication platform.

Steve Frazier

Staff member
Oct 30, 2003
LaGrangeville, N.Y.
We're working on that. This new software is a little more difficult to navigate than the former and we're trying to learn if that is possible. With vBulletin I knew where to find that feature, I'm having a hard time finding it here, I'm not sure it's even available. I sure appreciate your help here Nige!!


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
Steve, obviously you're aware that I have a dog in this fight, but I wanted to get it out there and let the membership have a bit of a say regarding what they would like to see. At that point the Admins & software experts could say what's possible and at the end of the day we obtain a compromise between the Wish List and what can actually be achieved.