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Strange request for equipment and services.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2009
Own a Landscape & Irrigation Company
As some of yall may have seen, hundreds of cattle and other animals drowned when the storm surge rolled through parts of Plaquemines Parish. So far less than 100 have been revovered. Alot of the area is still under water and the carcasses are hidden in the debris. A company was contracted to remove the find and remove the remians. I was contacted by this company to assist in the finding and recovery of the remains. Here is my question, he wants a daily rate for just ME to supervise and direct his crew being i know the area, and daily rate for truck,dumptrailer,skidsteer and tractor as a group. Ive never really priced my equipment out on a daily rate. I usually price out a job as a whole. Ive never had to price myself out without equipment.


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2009
Adelaide South Australia
I would work on an hourly rate then multiply by hours worked in a day.
I have a standby/labouring rate of AU$30-35/hour for when the machines are not working.
Another way perhaps is to work out how much you could be earning doing another job elsewhere and go from there.


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
Do you know if you will be mostly supervising his crews or supervising and operating your equipment?

How many hours in the day will you be working? Will you have operators and drivers for your iron or will it be just you and your equipment?

I know it's not the same scenario but when I get to a job that is being billed hourly and I have to do layout or any manual type labor, the machine clock runs at it's rate regardless if it's running or not.


Senior Member
Dec 21, 2009
norman oklahoma
dozer monkey , self employed
This is how I would look at it. I am a business. This business must make X amount of dollars every day ( most have a minimum to roll out ) whether Im on a machine or or not. They want to benefit from your knowledge and experience and have your equip on stand by ? You could be working some where else making your min. or making good money. They would have to pay me what I'm am potentially loosing by not working my equip and have it on stand by. Some time when people a come to you for this kind of " help " it seems flattering but is not always profitable. Just :my2c ( I typed this in rush to get out the door. It sounded right in my head , hope it came out right ) :dizzy:eek: good luck !