Yes, 15', no more, because my excavator wont go any more. LOL. We have a lot of dirt here. I have never hit bottom anywhere I have dug on this property. That said, there is a rock quarry about a mile away. The above stated, there are several boulders in my excavation that are so big, the excavator is not able to bring them out. I just move them out of the way and continue on.A hole 15' deep?? wow, I went down 2 to 4 and hit shelf! I guess thats to be expected on a ridge......
Anyway.... glad to see your hand has improved enough to work,,, and the weather has allowed that pad to grow.... next year a shop??
Yes, the hand is slowly improving. The broken bone seems fine. It is the inability to bend my fingers that drives me crazy. I went to physical therapy, and continue to do the exercises, but still not 100%. They told me this was normal when a hand is immobile for some time, then go on to basically say it takes longer for people of your age
Took a ride down to the pad yesterday. Even with all the rain we have been having, it looks real good. The hole that the dirt came from is full to the top with water and overflowing. Gonna be pumping in the spring!

Fingers are crossed for a shop this year 2025, barring I do something stupid and mess myself up again.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Check out the white birch trees in the background. We have had so much heavy snow and wind that I have acres of bent over trees. Some have snapped in two as well. Crazy!
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