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Which cutter should we consider?


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
We have roughly 10 acres of shelterbelt clearing, plus close to 2 miles of single row tree removal to do this summer, probably more once we get going. We have decided that it's probably time to invest in a mulching head to put on the 770 and are looking for opinions on a couple of different ones. These are two possibilities.



Are we on the right track, or should we look at something else? We don't plan on taking entire trees down, but some of the big trees leave pretty substantial roots sticking up so I'm not sure a flail mower is the right answer? Can a mulcher run in the top couple inches of dirt to help smooth things out? I'm assuming we might only be looking at a 100 hours of so a year, depending on how well it works.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
None of the forestry mulchers shown will work below ground but can go to ground level. IMHO the Fecon has a good reputation and can be fitted with different tools to suit your job. As for the 770, it may not be man enough. What ever you choose please change out the glass in the door to polycarbonate (lexen), I hate reading obituaries.
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Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
How is our T770 not man enough? These are only 60" cutters.
Shimmy, I don't have any personal experience other than a bloke whom I helped out using my own equipment said that he was very unhappy with the T770 performance. I never saw it work so I'm only taking his word.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
Shimmy, I don't have any personal experience other than a bloke whom I helped out using my own equipment said that he was very unhappy with the T770 performance. I never saw it work so I'm only taking his word.
Fair enough. We bought the Bradco today. The guy told me the history of it, sounds like it might only have around 500 hrs, and the cutters are original. He's going to deliver it to us as well since he is traveling through our area in about a week. For what we're paying for it, if it doesn't do the job we're looking for, we should be able to move it on fairly easily. I do wonder what the guy was used to that was disappointed in the 770. We are not going to be trying to grind up full size trees, just looking to clean up after we've been through with the excavator.