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Search results

  1. Jose Alvarez

    1978 CAT D3 Issues to Look For?

    Looking at buying this older D3 as a project...anything particular I should be looking for in this year? Owner says it smokes blue a bit when cold and other obvious issues from years of use. Serial number is 79U3014, hours unknown. Also any idea on a fair price? Thanks in advance.
  2. Jose Alvarez

    Reputable CAT Aftermarket Online Parts Supplier

    I've been looking for parts for my old CAT 950 and it seems there are a lot of websites out there that can provide you a quote complete with matching part numbers, but then when you want more specifics, you can't reach anyone to ask a question to, or get an answer on shipping or in some cases...
  3. Jose Alvarez

    Sinopec Lubricants

    Hello! In looking at buying bulk lubricants and I ran across a brand I have not heard of before "Sinopec". In looking at their products in comparison with Shell's, its almost half the price with free delivery. Does anyone have any experience with these lubricants? I am attaching the technical...
  4. Jose Alvarez

    Older CAT 950 Shifter Arrangement

    Hello All! Looking at an older CAT 950 loader and I noticed the shifter was not the typical twist type gear selector but instead a single shift lever...any idea on when CAT made the change between the two? Also any idea on the year of this machine? Serial Number is 90A803. Thanks
  5. Jose Alvarez

    CAT 931 Purchase Help

    Hello! My brother and I are looking at purchasing a CAT 931 to do some clearing on our property. We found one that seems to be in good condition. Can anyone on here help us with the year of the machine and share your opinion on the condition based off the attached pictures? Serial # is in...