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Search results

  1. R

    Anyone have experience with these?

    never had experience with one of those, but by god, I'm building one for my shop soon
  2. R

    Some random work pictures.

    what's the story behind the cute little jib that's pickin the motor? Does it temporartily mount wherever it's needed?
  3. R

    Some random work pictures.

    I've spent years workin in hydraulic shops, and seen some crazy things. Thankfully I've never seen a rotator group grenaded that bad. Somedbody spent some money to put this back in operation.
  4. R

    A Question for the Farmers

    Has anyone on here ever heard of Topping sweet corn? Reason being, my family invented a machine that would cut tassels off sweet corn fields after polination had taken place, and a few weeks before harvest. The machine was a 10 foot tall hydraucilly driven 8 wheel machine with a wingspan of 65...
  5. R

    Hello all!"Newbie" on board! Just a "greeting" and picture of my "pride and joy"!

    Beautiful machine, thanks for sharing. The first tractor I ever operated was an oliver 1850, not sure the year, but it was just like this one jsut didn't have a cab or loader on it. I have also restored and heavily modified a few olivers over the years. Well built machines.