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8V-9105 needed


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2010
Andrews SC
I am working on a Cat 215c, 4HG 00473. I need the "pilot" for the track adjuster, 8v-9105. A few years ago, these were readily available aftermarket and OEM, now I am not finding any. I hope maybe one of y'all knows of a source, or maybe I am missing a superceded number or something.

Also, do any of you know somebody who sells the weld on rims for an 8v-4734 sprocket individually? I am finding plenty but they are sold in pairs and I replaced one whole sprocket a few years ago. If I have to, I'll buy a pair and the extra one will be something for people to wonder about at my estate auction.

Thanks guys.


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2011
G..G..G..Granville.........!! Fetch your cloth.
8V-9105 is listed as a Standard Group and so would not generally be sold as an assembly under that number, certainly not by a Cat dealer Parts Dept anyway.
Have you tried looking for the individual parts (13 line items) that make it up.?

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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2010
Andrews SC
Thanks Nige! I knew I was screwing up somehow.

As a lame excuse, this was my first time using online SIS through Avspares.com instead of my paper books. It said "yoke as-pilot" without mentioning group and I guess I latched on to "pilot". I googled it and all I got was AVspares.com and a bunch of websites I never heard of saying, "yes, we sell those but we are out of them and don't know what the price will be when we get them." So , I called the Cat house and got somebody I didn't know who looked it up and told me they had no availability, and no price, but not that I had given him a group number.

Once I saw your explanation of my (hopefully) temporary incompetence, I tried again and got the number for the pilot itself and there are plenty available from lots of reputable sources.

Thanks again,


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2010
Andrews SC
Well Nige, you've taught me something again. I didn't know Cat had ever offered the replacement rim, I thought that was an aftermarket only thing. Cat used to offer complete sprockets, then at a serial number break they changed over to a 2 piece sprocket where you could leave the hub installed an unbolt the rest of the sprocket for a quick easy replacement. In the '90s they stopped selling the complete sprocket, but sold a reasonably priced kit to change over to the new style. About 20 yrs ago, I went to buy one and they had discontinued the kit and you had to buy all the parts individually, for a MUCH higher price. Through all this, nobody at CAT ever mentioned a weld on rim, and they aren't in any of my old parts books, so I have always bought them aftermarket. When I googled it by the sprocket number, I found a half dozen sources for pairs of the rims. When I googled it by the rim part number you gave me, I found a bunch more sources, many individually. I really didn't want to buy 2 as this really may be the last time I work on a 215 sprocket.

Is there any way you can get me a copy of Form SEHS7750? If not, I can probably get a copy from a friend at Blanchard Cat.

Thanks again Nige!


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2010
Andrews SC
Well, thanks again Nige!

I should probably set that up on a macro where I can type it with just a couple of keystrokes. :D