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Accomadating a neighbor

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Nobody wants to hit a dog and it's not the dogs fault they have a careless owner. It's seems ludicrous that I have to inform him when the track is open. He should plan on the track bring open on weekends. It's only closed if it's raining or too wet.

I just read you can apply to the county to have dust control applied to the road. Oil is too expensive but calcium chloride is $400 for 100 meters. On any other road the resident pays for it if they have a problem with the dust. I don't think dust on a public road is my problem but I can also see this neighbor complaining about having to pay to control dust past his property. Would it be worth offering to pay a portion to have calcium chloride applied to the road beside his property? It could be a lot less hassle than having to use my water truck multiple times to water the road. I could talk to the county but I doubt they'd give me a break. I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask and explain the situation. If the neighbor wasn't such a jerk regarding his dogs, I'd gladly split the cost. Maybe that could be a bargaining thing. I'll split the cost of dust control if he keeps his dogs off the road all the time. I think I'll discuss it with my friend who talked to him. I shouldn't have to pay anything but it could be money well spent. Then the neighbor couldn't say I was un-cooperative.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
Am I missing something here? Is the road the neighbor is complaining about the dust from a public highway/road? If so why should the owner of the track be responsible for dust from traffic?

If the track is an allowed use of the property I can't see any standing for this neighbors complaints. Then again it's the well know problem of the squeaky wheel getting what they want too often.

I mean can I demand that the farmers near me not spread fertilizer(AKN manure) on the fields near me because I don't like the smell? I've lived here for around 50 years, but then this has been a farming area for probably four times that long or much longer! Just for kicks I did check when this town was founded and the town was originally part of another town that was founded in 1799! I'm guessing if someone decided to name this area as a town there were probably people living here at that time and I bet they were spreading manure on the fields back then!

I'm growing tired of the sky harleys that drone overhead from the small airport 10 miles away. It seems that it is preferred to fly over peaceful farmland while you are getting flying lessons etc.

If I can recognize the registration numbers on the skyharley, can I find out who owns the plane somehow?

I don't want to shut the airport down, I just want to park in front of the owner's home on a Sunday morning and tune the carb on my dirtbike a few times.

Old Doug

Senior Member
Oct 16, 2013
If the track is making money or you enjoy it enuff i would pay for the dust control. You need to ok it with the county first . Then talk to the neighbor . The place i work has a big dusty gravel drive/lot . They had it sprayed one time it was great and it helped hold the gravel in place made it 150% better everyone customers and employees said to the owner over and over how great it was but they never did it agin???

digger doug

Senior Member
Nov 2, 2011
NW Pennsylvania
Thrash-A-Matic designer
I'm growing tired of the sky harleys that drone overhead from the small airport 10 miles away. It seems that it is preferred to fly over peaceful farmland while you are getting flying lessons etc.

If I can recognize the registration numbers on the skyharley, can I find out who owns the plane somehow?

I don't want to shut the airport down, I just want to park in front of the owner's home on a Sunday morning and tune the carb on my dirtbike a few times.
Call your local FAA with the N number and let them take care of it.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
For dust control, dust suppressant mixed in the water cart once a week should be suffice, keeps everyone happy except the stupid .

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Water is going to be in short supply this year. I don't want to waste water on the road that could be used on the tracks. I also don't want to have to have the water truck filled and have to go out earlier to water the road. What if my water truck breaks down? $200 towards putting calcium chloride on the road seems like the simplest way to appease the neighbor. It shows I'm trying to work with him. I'm not paying the full $400 though. If someone on a main road wants dust control they pay the full amount themselves. On a busy day I might have 15-20 vehicles out and it's not like there's constant traffic on the road all day long.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Field Service Tech / Semi retired
Not your road not your problem, end of that honestly. You are not responsible for speed limits or watering the public road no matter if its private residence or business.
For your pain in the neck neighbor who is a jack legged joe sausage head letting his dogs run loose on other private property and public roads, well that is just plain stupid.
Not sure about the laws where you live, Round here there is a leash law. This means that your animal has to be fenced in on your property and ANY time that said animal is outside your property it has to be on a leash.
If your dog gets out or is off leash and gets hit by a car its your fault. IF the dog gets out and bites someone its your fault. If your dog is on a leash and someone'd dog runs off their property and a dog fight starts the unleashed / unrestrained dog owner is at fault for any damages.

Owning any pet is like having children, you are responsible for their safety and well being.
Check into your local laws regarding pets free roaming and go from there with your pain in the neck. It could be he is in violation letting his animal free roam on private property and public roadway.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
There is a leash law or the dogs need to be controlled if the owners are off their property with them. I think it's $100 fine per dog. It would be nice to tell the neighbor to pound sand but he is the neighbor. He already calls the cops and takes pics. of vehicles he thinks are speeding. I don't want him trying to make trouble for me or my customers. I think it's better for me to try and work with the neighbor despite him not wanting to take much responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Field Service Tech / Semi retired
There is a leash law or the dogs need to be controlled if the owners are off their property with them. I think it's $100 fine per dog. It would be nice to tell the neighbor to pound sand but he is the neighbor. He already calls the cops and takes pics. of vehicles he thinks are speeding. I don't want him trying to make trouble for me or my customers. I think it's better for me to try and work with the neighbor despite him not wanting to take much responsibility.

I get it, tough situation and I understand where you are coming from.
Personally I would mention it to him that this is a public road and there are laws about his dogs not being contained or on a leash. You do not want to see his dogs or any dog hurt or killed by a vehicle and would appreciate it if he would make a better attempt to keep his dogs off the road and on his property.
Sometimes the intelligent folk kind like him will finally drop the shenanigans after put on notice that they themselves are in direct violation.
Doesn't have to be a pissing match or mean spirited conversation, a glass of iced tea or a cold beer can ease a situation while talking about some grievances.

The law is likely fed up with this person always reporting things and complaining. Starting to look like some city rat who thinks they can buy property out in the sticks and change the surroundings to suit only themselves.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
There is a lot of truth in what you posted. It's ridiculous I need to mark on a sign when I'm open. It's an MX track and oval track. If the weather's nice, it's open on weekends and holidays the whole season from spring to fall. It doesn't take much to understand that for 99% of the population. As far as the dogs, they should be contained all the time. I just don't want him trying to cause trouble for me.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I went to the county today to see what if any requirements I had to follow regarding the road or my track. There are none for the road because it's just passenger vehicles coming to the track for the most part. The odd time I've had an RV or a 5th wheel trailer. The county agreed I shouldn't have to tell my neighbor when I'm going to be open and putting a sign on the (main) road showing if I'm open is just dumb. A sign with hours or website/contact info. is better suited to put on my property at the gate. I also said I should have put my opening hours for Sat. a little later. I put it for 7PM because I was wrongly informed that neighbors could appeal my development permit. They can't! The head of public works said not to worry about it. The county has a noise bylaw from 7am to 10pm so if I'm within that I'm good to go. I do have a 100db. limit. As far as putting calcium on the road, he said it usually takes about 3 applications to get really good dust control but for my purposes would probably only need to be done every 3 years, maybe 4 years. He said if I paid half is being pretty generous. Not an issue if I put water on the road but more of a PIA and water could be in short supply. If I could pay $200 for dust control and not have to worry about the dogs on the road would be worth it but I highly doubt my neighbor would keep his dogs contained 24/7 which he's technically required to do. I guess for the time being I just keep doing what I'm doing. In order to lower the speed limit requires a council meeting but the question becomes if anyone wants to speed down a road in the middle of no where would they observe a speed limit sign? The consensus was no. The county has no issues with me running an off road vehicle park.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
Field Service Tech / Semi retired
Perfect sounds like you are good to go and your neighbor can go pound sand.
I personally would just stay away from that jack leg.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I went right to the source and got the impression from the public works manager that the neighbor is the cause of his own issues. I said it's not my fault if he didn't know or didn't care that he bought property next to an MX track. He said the realtor also should have told him the track was there. That's his due diligence. Now he thinks he can make his own rules to suit himself. At the county office they clearly said it's a county road like any other and the speed limit is 80kmh. I'm pretty sure he thinks there's different rules for a dead end road but my driveway is about a 1/4 mile past his and I'm at the end of the road before the crown land. You could certainly be going 80 past his driveway and still safely slow down for mine. I tell people to slow down but I can't control what people do on the road. I'm trying to be a good neighbor but he doesn't make it easy, especially with his dogs.