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ASV 120 forestry reliability?


New Member
Sep 2, 2019
I'm contemplating the purchase of a tracked compact loader. The primary application will be forestry mulching, with a secondary winter application of snow removal and tertiary applications of light dirt moving and landscaping. I wanted the highest horsepower available, which led me to the ASV 120. There are more powerful machines, but they are all dedicated task machines, and I'd like to get something as flexible as possible. Having watched a pile of YouTube videos, I've found one user who had nothing but grief from his ASV 120, and other users who gave it kind of a tepid 'one thumb up'. Nobody is screaming from the rafters, thrilled with their purchase.

Are they a troublesome machine, or difficult to use, or don't get the job done? There seem to be more positive vids on the Takeuchi TL12, which comes in at about 110 HP. I'm just trying to gather information... I haven't got down to brass tacks on pricing yet, because I want to be certain of the machine that is best for me, but it wouldn't surprise me to drop $150,000 CAD (or more) on an ASV 120 set up with a mulching head. (To convert USD to CAD, take the US dollar value and multiply by about 1 million. Not quite that bad, but it sure feels that way sometimes.) This is a serious dollar amount, so I'm really wanting to get it right the first time. Thanks - Charlie


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
Taks are giving grief now that they are running Kubota engines with no help from the manufacturer. Cat are burning up and a class action has begun. So ASV while not the best compared to dedicated machine they are probably the best CTL/MTL
PS, I don't have any brand name allegiants.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
Takeuchi has struggled with the Kubota motor, as has Kubota 95-2 all which run the same engine. I have not heard as much about the 299 reference SCR issues, but since it is the same engine, I am sure it is something to be aware of. The TL12V2 had some teething issues when they first came out beyond just SCR issues. I am not sure if that has been resolved or not. ASV has great mulching specs, high GPM and PSI. The quality of them seems to be hit and miss. Dealer support seems spotty as well. Whatever color you end up with, if your going mulch with it, I would seriously consider an extended warranty that covers the machine when mulching. I use an SV340 to mulch, it makes 4K and 36 gpm good power, and is able to keeps itself cool which is a big issue mulching. I don't mulch full time so if I did maybe other things would surface, but the machine does well for what I mulch. There is not a task I can think of that is as taxing on a loader as mulching. If there is a weak point you will find it.


New Member
Sep 2, 2019
Tones, KSSS, thanks for the feedback! I think the idea of an extended warranty is a good idea, and I will add it to the purchase list. I don't think there is a trouble free tracked loader out there. I did find one video in which the presenter made the suggestion that a tractor was a better choice than a tracked loader; he claimed lower cost and better selection of add-ons as the reasons. But I couldn't find a tractor equipped with FOPS and ROPS, unless you count the roll bar as your ROPS.

A comment I've encountered repeatedly is that a mediocre machine coupled with a good dealer, is better than a great machine coupled with a bad dealer. That's a strike against the ASV; I'll be using the machine in Atlantic Canada, and there's not an ASV dealer within 500 miles (or so). I may be putting too much importance on power. The ASV has 120HP, but other machines (such as the SV340, or the Bobcat T770/870) seem to do quite well with less power. >Charlie


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
The way the components are coupled together means a lot. A more efficient system can do more with less engine hp and stay cool. There is no way I would buy anything for mulching (or any task for that matter) that put me 500 miles from a dealer and especially an ASV. I know there is a strong WN dealer out in that area Lafond or something like that. WN just released a 100 hp tracked machine that was built with mulching in mind. I have not run it, but I know that guys that designed it and it specs very well.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
Who or what is WN KSSS?


Senior Member
May 13, 2008
We have a Kubota 95-2s. It performs very well with a mulched head. Does not overheat in the slightest manner. Plenty of power. The trouble is u can’t keep the engine bay clean of debris. It’s terrible. I hear there’s guards now to fix this but haven’t seen anything. It would be difficult to seal of the entry point around the loader arms. That’s the main spot it comes in. Also we’ve knocked the track off a few times when hitting unseen stumps. I’ve had two older asv’s and really liked them. Never had an issue with them and I bought them both used. But they would run hot while mulching and the ac wouldn’t keep you cool at all. I hear the new ones are much better. I wouldn’t be afraid at all to buy one. They’re very expensive but if I were doing more mulching I’d probably go that route. I think they’re all going to give trouble with the def in place. Kubota has very good insurance and really is a nice machine especially for the money. We also have a diamond mower we use on it. That makes a very nice set up. Good luck!