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Berms... Crazy customers


Apr 19, 2011
Ok so check this. A Quary is in this little town. So the people voted against it. The Company said they would build them all berms for sound. They said sure.

So, I get to this guys house. My D6n shows up. The foreman says do what the customer wants.

The customer comes out and says he wants a 30 foot high berm 3 feet from the road with a ditch inbetween. Baffled but ok lets do it.

So, I start and rip down his forest and bury some ****. I built a ramp for the rock trucks n stuff. and got to 30 feet at the back end of the house. As I work my way out I thought this was such a stupid idea. Everything was filling up the ditch and it was just a mess. There was a row of trees on both sides of this berm all the way to the end. So no way to clean up the sides of the berm. Everything that fell off was where it was going to stay. The material was such garbage. 75% was all rocks the size of a kia.

Now, I told them this was a bad idea. I said all the trees will die. The ditch will fill up. Its unsafe and all of that but they still wanted it.

So I guess my question is... as an operator do you shut your mouth and just build it? I guess my company's logic was... who cares, in a year he will call us back to remove it.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2010
I'm curious as to what, if any, other options there were? It doesn't sound like something I'd want in my backyard. Did other people in the area do similar things? What about local regs and building requirements? Seems the quarry company should offer engineering advice. As an employee, yeah, you have to do what the boss says regardless.

hvy 1ton

Senior Member
Jul 24, 2006
Lawrence, KS
Are these properties not right next to the quarry? Why are you building the berms on their land? Here they'll build a berm around the quarry perimeter out of overburden. That's as good as anyplace to put it.
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