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bobcat t300 how to overide defeat safety bar switch?

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Charter Member
Nov 23, 2003
Ingalls Indiana
field service tech
After reading this posting and looking at pics you have posted of your equipment in action you are no one to be preaching "common safety sense".

Use of a log as a boom pole, operating without the counter weight, bypassing safety circuts lead me to believe you are a careless person and people like you hurt and kill those around you.

Are you a one man show or do you have employees?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2010
Lets be honest those safety devices are as cheap as it gets. How many times have we had to wiggle them to get a peice of equipment started or moving. A little better engineering on these could go a long way to prevent these cobbel "fixes" that result in deaths. We've become so used to running equipment with these devices that there is SERIOUS issues when someone bypasses them.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2008
Lets be honest those safety devices are as cheap as it gets. How many times have we had to wiggle them to get a peice of equipment started or moving. A little better engineering on these could go a long way to prevent these cobbel "fixes" that result in deaths. We've become so used to running equipment with these devices that there is SERIOUS issues when someone bypasses them.

Its nice to see at least someone on doesn't feel the need to argue on the internet because nobody listens to them in real life. I love the fact that when you put the bar down, it says "FASTEN SEATBELT" But there is no safety switch on the seatbelt now is there? Thats because: "Lets be honest those safety devices are as cheap as it gets."


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2010
I don't think OSHA typically gets the reports of those fatalities suffered at home... I suspect the wife never thinks to give them a call...

just make sure the insurance is paid up... sounds like you're the kinda guy who's wife might enjoy a nice big policy.... spend a few extra bucks for that accidential x2.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2008
Man you guys are so smart!

"I don't think OSHA typically gets the reports of those fatalities suffered at home." Wow, so there really is only 10 skid steer accidents a year in the commercial industry

Mentalities like that are the reason that eventually stairs are going to be outlawed and the government is not going to let us drive or walk on our own. You would not even know what safety is unless someone spoonfed it to you. I hope you loose your job because you can't afford to meet some safety or bureaucratic standards.

"Wife"...don't even go there, thats the root of most of your problems. But I know- I know, XXXXX and Pencil Pushing XXXXXXX are what make the world turn.

If you're not going to answer the question. Please go waste someone else's time.
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Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
NW Missouri
27 posts in a thread that asked probably the dumbest question on the internet,Do you have your answer yet???....

cutting edge

Senior Member
Mar 27, 2010
upper canuckistan

Im gonna go out on a limb here and ask....is it that you want to be able to run the aux. hydraulic circuit from outside the machine?

I know this is a stock feature on certain brands....it may be stock on yours too.

...and if that is the question you meant to ask,you might wanna sit down and think about the problem before you start asking absurd questions to a bunch of professionals who act with the best interests of a complete stranger,in mind.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2008

Im gonna go out on a limb here and ask....is it that you want to be able to run the aux. hydraulic circuit from outside the machine?

I know this is a stock feature on certain brands....it may be stock on yours too.

...and if that is the question you meant to ask,you might wanna sit down and think about the problem before you start asking absurd questions to a bunch of professionals who act with the best interests of a complete stranger,in mind.

I understand their concern, but really i think its just a power trip. I personally am not one to tell someone that they are too stupid for their own good. I'm sure the truth is only one of them, if that, know the answer to the question. the others just like to talk. But to answer your question, no that is not the only thing i am after. There has been several times while designing and fabricating my own attachments and also while doing fine/precision activities with the machine where the bar has been a hassle and even dangerous. I'm sure trying to do the job by myself is "dangerous" but thats just life. In other words, sometimes I need one hand or foot on the controls and the other on the load/strap/welder etc. I'm not going to go full speed raming things on a slope with my bar up(or seatbelt off). When you bypass something that you are use to, or that someone else thinks you need, you just have to make sure you put on a different thinking cap. But thanks for trying to bring some resolve to the thread. There is a solenoid valve somewhere that is keep the oil from flowing, i just can't find it, or don't have the right current to activate it. No worries. I'll call the dealer Monday and I guarantee you I will get the answer(once i get a knowledgeable tech on the phone). I was going to post a pick of the 580 extendahoe on my bobcat. It worked out pretty good, and finally a bobcat is the envy of all the guys around that were bashing on them because they owned a backhoe. But now I don't dare, i don't think there would be much tech or constructive conversation.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2007
Road Dog
I am trying to figure out why the ownership and moderation of this site allows a thread that is about disabling a safety feature of a machine. There are certainly a lot of people stating that this is a bad idea, and that is a great addition to the conversation. But what about those that just see one person hell bent on making this happen, and take his information and use it on their machine?

Now lets say someone gets hurt or killed, and then points to this thread. I certainly would not want my name attached to an incident such as that. Weather or not I agree with it or not, it could be perceived that I do agree. I wouldn't want my name attached to that when our lawsuit happy society drags this possible incident to court.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2008
Oh, and to stir the pot a little more. You wanna talk about dangerous. This POS is so noisy its ridiculous. That is very dangerous. I hear some of the new skidsteers(non-bobcat) are quiet. I hope all you "lawyer's best friends" get on that bandwagon, so that one day a noisy machine will be considered a "safety hazard" because its just annoying. It reminds me of the standards for headlights in the auto industry, they probably haven't changed in 50 years. But with the new lighting technology the potential to be so much safer is there, I guess the marketing gods have not yet decided to capitalize off it by making you feel unsafe in your current vehicles and getting you to sue and petition congress for "higher standards".

Heres a point I know you've probably all heard and agree with. My dad always said we spend too much money on trying to keep people safe and not enough on teaching people how to drive and do things theirselves.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2008
I am trying to figure out why the ownership and moderation of this site allows a thread that is about disabling a safety feature of a machine. I wouldn't want my name attached to that when our lawsuit happy society drags this possible incident to court.

Maybe the owners and moderators have balls and see it as a battle of freedom(of speech etc) vs tyranny. :usa And aren't going to bend over to lawyers and courts and give up what the generations before them worked so hard to create. Why don't people see that lawyers take the cases they feel good that the courts will give them money for. Everytime there is a new case it provides a little more precedent, one more aspect, one new way for them to make money off of striping our freedom, free will and free thinking.

" Seeing as your such a "thinking out of the box" kinda guy ....why did you wreck the switch instead of just removing the bar? "

A. Because i have a temper which doesn't mesh well with my intolerance for BS. But i'm sure thats just what you were waiting to hear(save it) I clipped the wires and smashed the switch while trying to get it out.

B. Because now I see the whole problem, I should have posted something more like: "Where can I get a booster seat so my 5 year old can operate my bobcat in a parade while i ride in the bucket" .....that is to say, you guys are just looking for someone to go off on. so sad. I need the bar, i use the bar!
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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2007
Road Dog
Battle of freedom, HAH. Bud, you want to kill yourself, thats fine. Once you figure out how to make this work, why dont you start your own website. Lets see how long it takes before someone is knocking on your door with court papers. Wish you the best of luck in your defeated safety measure, maybe you will make it thru no problem, the next guy might not.

Temper is a great reason to dismantle the safety features of a machine. Whats next on the to break list?

As for your noisy complaint, maybe thats something else you can talk to your bobcat tech about. We have an S300, T300, and T200. The T200 and S300 are noticeably louder than the T300. Hey, it would be cool to see your T300 hanging off a log chained to a front shovel, maybe you could arrange pictures for us tomorrow?


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
I am trying to figure out why the ownership and moderation of this site allows a thread that is about disabling a safety feature of a machine.

As I said above, it's not about law and lawyers. Every poster is responsible for what they post. I can't imagine most of our members wanting to post information that might help a guy hurt himself anyway.

As I said in my first reply, I think we have a pretty strong safety culture here on HEF. Obviously, douglasco isn't here to be a part of that. That's his prerogative, and I sincerely hope it doesn't come back to bite him in the butt someday.

douglasco said:
No worries. I'll call the dealer Monday and I guarantee you I will get the answer(once i get a knowledgeable tech on the phone).

That being the case, there's probably not much point in going any further here. This one has become counter productive.
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