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Carpal tunnel surgery


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
Posted here, because "health" and "safety" are pretty closely related.

There are more than a few mentions of carpal tunnel here on HEF, but I didn't find a thread specifically about it.

For those who have had the surgery, and more specifically, operators, how much time off did the recovery take? I'd imagine an operator could get back at it somewhat more quickly than somebody that has to turn wrenches, but any and all input is welcome.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2013
South Africa
Enterprise Engineer
Posted here, because "health" and "safety" are pretty closely related.

There are more than a few mentions of carpal tunnel here on HEF, but I didn't find a thread specifically about it.

For those who have had the surgery, and more specifically, operators, how much time off did the recovery take? I'd imagine an operator could get back at it somewhat more quickly than somebody that has to turn wrenches, but any and all input is welcome.
What are you up to ? That is more for those of us that are driving mouses than operatoring HE.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2014
North Dakota
Farmer/ excavator
Hey Digger,
I broke my wrist a few years back. That ended up with scar tissue rubbing on the nerve bundle going through the hole in my wrist. I know its not exactly the same as you are asking, but close. It felt like i was touching a live wire at times. plus my finger tips were kind of numb.
Anyways they had to clean out the passage for the bundle. Incision ran from center of my palm to couple inches below my wrist. Wasn't to bad for the basic healing and movement to be better maybe month. I continued to work as best i could. was right around harvest for us so a mostly ran a combine. wrenching on things were a pain, not much strength in hand and fingers. That took a little longer 4-6 months maybe. The numb finger tips took a long time to get normal, 2 years?

Anyway I hope it helps.

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
I was born 1956. By 1996 I was getting numbness both hands, non dominant hand worse. I'd make some harmless move, it was like an electric fence! Then it'd be weeks before pain subsided. I gave in.
Surgery took longer to scrub than operate. I was awake watching. He cut 2" long in the fold of skin in the palm of my hand, worked blunt scissors under the skin in my wrist, sawed away a while until he liked it.
I helped a friend put on a roof next day, it went fine. I could climb ladders with shingles on the other shoulder, holding nails with that hand took a little creativity.
I lost all feeling in three fingers. More than 5 months they were functional, but no sensation at all. I could drive nails in them, no pain. I visited the doctor weekly for 5 months.
"Any change?"
"See you next week."
At 5.something months, all feeling returned in the time of an hour.
The doctor then explained: " injured nerves don't heal. A whole new nerve MAY grow from the brain out. It takes a lot of time."
I had strength in my now repaired hand to strangle him, but didn't do it.

Ten years later, my right hand was so bad I couldn't function. That doctor had moved on to become a floor sweeper at McDonalds. New doctor, a woman was VERY stern: "One week, use it for NOTHING!"
Not knowing if I caused the problems with the first hand, I followed her orders. A week later, I was absolutely cured!


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
What are you up to ? That is more for those of us that are driving mouses than operatoring HE.

Lots of mouse work involved in being Admin of HEF. I'm figuring to get Steve to put me on workers' compensation. :)

Thanks, guys, for the other replies.

My wife has had both of hers done at different times, and to hear her talk, it's like, 'Get it done on Friday so you have the whole weekend to recover.' Research on the internet says stuff more like, 'If it's not your dominant hand, and your work doesn't involve repetitive motion, you may be able to go back to work in 1-2 weeks.' Well, if my work didn't involve so much repetitive motion, I wouldn't be dealing with it, now would I?

I knew I'd be able to get some real world, industry relevant, experiences by asking you guys.


Senior Member
May 21, 2009
The shore of the illinois river USA
I never had carpal tunnel problems, but hundreds of times my hand and fingers would go numb when operating a dozer. It didn't matter if the lever had a round knob or T shaped handle.
I could get relief by relaxing my grip because I was squeezing so hard.
I suppose that your forearm would let you know to lighten up or change the way you are holding those levers.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Mechanic's Carpal, intensified by operating large handwheel valves at the Power Station, Rode, hands would go partially numb, Index Middle and thumb are related to Neck issues, Rig and little fingers directly to Carpal Syndrome. Had my surgery several years back now and is still holding well. Left Hand did not get used as brutally as right(Hammer, or severe pressure on wrenches duty plus Fire Department duty at the station.

Four weeks after surgery released for work. Told to minimize hand hammer use but have been back at of note some less than six months after surgery. Fingers no longer go to sleep riding. Whole treatment took less than 45 minutes. Done Out Patient.

IMG_1701.JPG IMG_1704.JPG IMG_1719.JPG

Blue is marker they used to indicate Where to hack. Dec 2016



Not been a problem.


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2012
Central New York, USA
Retired Mechanic in Stone Quarry
Well not CT but I'm having some some shoulder problems. Might have something to do with the Isuzu Trouper that tee-boned me on the sidecar back in 2000 or was it 1999? That time they called it separated shoulder and did PT for several months before going back to work Anyhow back in 2011 was having serious shoulder pain and it was diagnosed as torn rotator cuff. That time some surgery and PT and I was pretty good to go.

Then last fall it started bugging me again. Went back to doc who did the repair work in 2000 and he decided to give me a cortisone and that seemed to work for a few months. Then it started up again. Called an talked to nurse and she seemed to think I might need to get the shots about every three months. Doc was booked pretty solid till middle of May but Do's PA was available for this last Friday. figured a fast shot in the back and I would be good for a few months.

Well the PA did a few quick checks of movement and where the pain started and said "Looks like you get an MRI" but no shot as it might affect the pictures! So I guess I just have to wait to see when the photo session is and how long after that I get to see Doc or PA about the next step!


Jan 21, 2007
Running what I brung and taking what I win
Lots of mouse work involved in being Admin of HEF. I'm figuring to get Steve to put me on workers' compensation. :)

Good luck with that. We both signed the "Independent Contractor" agreement at the last HEF Christmas party - should've read the fine print.o_O:rolleyes:

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
First hand I had no choice. I never knew why it didn't go well at first. Ignoring the doctor's orders, or did the doctor screw up. Still, it turned out well in the end.
Second surgery: The problem was less severe, I had a better doctor, I followed her instructions. I feel I could have been at work next day, but I followed doctor's instructions that time. As she predicted, by the time stitches came out I was cured!

With each hand I endured years of misery. I could have been fixed years earlier.

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
Looking at D Miller's hand: I got identical scars in the 1996 hand, I can't find the scars in the 2006 hand. Thinking back, I was building an addition 2006 on the house. We were pouring the foundation. After foundation work, the fellow I hired to do the addition was the same guy poured the first in 1980. 26 years later, he was retired, said he didn't have a crew. He was trying to recruit my son to be his son in law, could we provide labor.
I did all the heavy lifting (with a backhoe). Seth moved form panels to where 20 or so could be bundled, I did the lifting.


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
Good luck with that. We both signed the "Independent Contractor" agreement at the last HEF Christmas party - should've read the fine print.o_O:rolleyes:

Hmmpf. I guess all the sick days I thought I had accumulated are pretty much shot too then.:oops:

This isn't something I could've seen coming a long way off. It literally went from no symptoms to bad in the space of a week or so. We think it may have to do with having shingles. When I saw the family doctor I showed him the rash, and he said that wasn't shingles, and the pain was tennis elbow. After a week of medicine, nothing was any better, so I got an appointment with an orthopedist, and she said it sure looked like shingles to her. I had a nerve test a week later, and now they say I have carpal tunnel in both hands, even though my other hand feels perfectly normal. The physician's assistant said, "Well, that's because it's not severe in that one."

I was just curious about anybody's experience with recovery time to get back to operating because, well, it's excavating season, and I don't have time to deal with this...

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
Hmmpf. I guess all the sick days I thought I had accumulated are pretty much shot too then.:oops:

This isn't something I could've seen coming a long way off. It literally went from no symptoms to bad in the space of a week or so. We think it may have to do with having shingles. When I saw the family doctor I showed him the rash, and he said that wasn't shingles, and the pain was tennis elbow. After a week of medicine, nothing was any better, so I got an appointment with an orthopedist, and she said it sure looked like shingles to her. I had a nerve test a week later, and now they say I have carpal tunnel in both hands, even though my other hand feels perfectly normal. The physician's assistant said, "Well, that's because it's not severe in that one."

I was just curious about anybody's experience with recovery time to get back to operating because, well, it's excavating season, and I don't have time to deal with this...
If you can't find time right now, cortisone injection will give you extreme pain one day, less pain next, and 6 months symptom free.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2007
Eden, Wisconsin
Electrical Engineer
My father-in-law got both done a few months ago and was happy with near instant relief, took it relatively easy for a couple weeks (he blacksmiths for fun, pain had made it impossible). With COVID restrictions, he chose to do both at once rather than two weeks apart and even more nasal swabs and isolation in order to get it done... He didn't even need to hassle my mother-in-law to help wipe.
Last month,our veterinarian got both done at the same time, too, while awake, and made herself a PITA for the surgeon, because she wanted to watch and help... She made her husband install a bidet prior and got some long "large animal birthing gloves" to put on so she could shower the next day. She was mostly functional in a day, but cooled her heels for two weeks (which was hard for her) to make sure everything healed.
Good luck!


Senior Member
Jan 25, 2017
Langley BC
I had a torn tendon sheath on my middle finger just into my palm. Dr cut 1/2” of the sheath out and scar tissue formed a new sheath. I was off work for a month and it took a few more to regain the strength back. With mine, I had to start moving my finger the next day so the tendon would not adhere to the scar tissue but no gripping for 3 weeks. It was interest to watch him work. All done under a local.


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
Just in case anybody's waiting for a follow up on this--Saw the doctor two weeks ago, and she gave me a shot. (Don't know if it was cortisone or not. It didn't hurt much at all.) She said if it helped, then the surgery would probably help too. Saw her again today and told her it was just a little bit better. She says, then it isn't Carpal Tunnel, because if it was, the shot would've made it a whole lot better. Must be from the shingles. Bottom line is, it can take months. But if it's getting even a little better every week, things are going in the right direction. Deal with it.

So, I won't even be able to add my personal experience to my own thread about the surgery. (Which frankly, is ok with me. I appreciate that she didn't want to cut first, and ask questions later.)

Willie B

Senior Member
Jan 2, 2016
Mount Tabor VT
Just in case anybody's waiting for a follow up on this--Saw the doctor two weeks ago, and she gave me a shot. (Don't know if it was cortisone or not. It didn't hurt much at all.) She said if it helped, then the surgery would probably help too. Saw her again today and told her it was just a little bit better. She says, then it isn't Carpal Tunnel, because if it was, the shot would've made it a whole lot better. Must be from the shingles. Bottom line is, it can take months. But if it's getting even a little better every week, things are going in the right direction. Deal with it.

So, I won't even be able to add my personal experience to my own thread about the surgery. (Which frankly, is ok with me. I appreciate that she didn't want to cut first, and ask questions later.)
If it was cortisone, my experience was all was fine day of shot, extreme pain next day, then gradually the pain went away, as did the symptoms of carpal tunnel. For some reason they don't like to give cortisone too many times.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
One of the Dr's. I was/am dealing with now suggested the shingles I had around my eye several month's ago may have been an early sign I had cancer. It's hard to know how many different ailments could be related to each other. I was glad a good ER DR. ordered a more extensive blood test and was able to tell me what was causing my unbearable back pain. Getting a cancer diagnosis is never good but I was quite relieved to finally know the cause of my pain. Thankfully the type of cancer is very treatable. Getting another vertebroplasty procedure to repair the fractures in the other 5 vertebrae in early Aug. I'm looking forward to it. If it's half as good as the 1st procedure I'll be doing back flips in short order. I go for a stem cell/bone marrow transplant on Aug. 10. Apparently the transplant has very good results in most cases too.