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Deere 350

brandt pc400

Active Member
May 5, 2008
omaha nebraska
I have spoke with drew once or twice and in fact he lives not to far from me. I Just don't have the confidence in Roadbuilders like I do in Murphy's. I own several John Deere pieces and They are out to fix whatever within a couple hours when I need them. Don't have a bunch of parts but none of them seem to. I Looked at a komatsu before I bought my 330 and in fact had it bought. Someone else came along and the guy sent me back my money plus another thousand so the guy obviously gave him quite a bit more than I did. So don't have anything against them and might give them a try.

I think the new -8's are relly good on fuel. roadbuliders have been relly good about comeing out right away when we need something. Sorry im a huge komatsu man.:notworthy


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
john deere/hitachi field tech
Hello Guys! I'm new on here but have been watching for awhile. I am finding this all very interesting. My question is I have a Deere 330lc right now and am thinking of moving up a little. I am trying to decide between a 350 or a 450. The machine will be used to take out overburden, about 160 hours a month plus. I am wondering how much more a 350 has over my 330. I am moving about 4000 to 4500 yards a day and really have to hustle to keep up. I am toploading scraper trains and getting about 40 yards on a train. Would it be worth to go with the 450 instead of the 350? Thanks

Well I guess there are several things to take into consideration, I think the first would be production then cost. Is the added production from a 450 going to out way the cost? There is on average a 100-150K difference between the two machines. I would have to do the math and look at the charts, but if I remember right you can do 1.5x more production with a 450 in average digging. Don't hold me to that, again I would have to look it up.

Deereman likes the 450C which is basically a Z06 corvette of machines. The 12.5 was WAY to much for that machine, in fact it was turned down as much as you can turn down a 12.5 practically. I still to this day wish Deere would have gone through with the over the road 12.5s Rick over there at Enquest still has a couple of the those Deere 12.5 truck engines. 500HP Bad arse.

joe from ne

Active Member
Jul 7, 2008
Lincoln Nebraska
I own a medium size construction company
By Rick I meant Rick Brandt. Your welcome to stop by although right now doesn't look like much will be happening tomorrow with the storm. We're working basically at Greenwood interchange on I80 building roads for Cass county. Let me know when you might be around and I'll give you my phone number somehow. I actually might be in Omaha tomorrow to pick some stuff up.

brandt pc400

Active Member
May 5, 2008
omaha nebraska
By Rick I meant Rick Brandt. Your welcome to stop by although right now doesn't look like much will be happening tomorrow with the storm. We're working basically at Greenwood interchange on I80 building roads for Cass county. Let me know when you might be around and I'll give you my phone number somehow. I actually might be in Omaha tomorrow to pick some stuff up.

what is the name of the company? Maybe i will stop by.:cool:

joe from ne

Active Member
Jul 7, 2008
Lincoln Nebraska
I own a medium size construction company
Probably not the kind your thinking of. We do some pretty serious trenching though. Let a lot of tile line and small stuff. I guess if the job came up we would look into it. Actually don't have any time to take any jobs on right now though for about a year. Pretty booked up

brandt pc400

Active Member
May 5, 2008
omaha nebraska
Probably not the kind your thinking of. We do some pretty serious trenching though. Let a lot of tile line and small stuff. I guess if the job came up we would look into it. Actually don't have any time to take any jobs on right now though for about a year. Pretty booked up

need to see some picks of what you do.

Joe Dirt

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
King NC
Painter at John Deere-Hitachi
I think the Deere excavators are very high quailty mach.s I like the 240d the best just because of the extra weight .. and 2 rock gaurds on bottom.. Very smooth to run . i think not jerky at all .. It is made in the usa also right here in kernersville NC . i like that alot also .. just my 2 cents.


Dec 30, 2008
350d fuel problems

I am glad to see some one else brought this thread back. The company I work for leased 6 350d's. 4 were new out of the factory and 2 had around 100-200 hours. The new 350's are just getting to there 250 hr service but we have all ready gone threw 4 fuel transfer pumps 1 on the used machine and 3 the new machines. Our local dealer came right out and changed them and added a raycore (sp) filter. That has seemed to clear up the problems have not lost another in the last few weeks. I was thinking a bad lot of pumps all the serial number were very close. We are keeping 3 extra pumps on hand just in case as the dealer is 3-4 hours away. We did have water in the fuel/water filter but not what I though was excessive. Our cats have not had any similar trouble. I tested the fuel and I did not have excessive water in the system and we filter our fuel out of the fuel truck also. Just wondering if any one else has seen this problem. We are new to John deere have been a cat outfit till now

Joe Dirt

New Member
Jan 18, 2009
King NC
Painter at John Deere-Hitachi
We have 2 friends with brand new 350 ds and not any know problems.. This is a brand new model from Deere and i think they have all there problems weeded out now.. But i know from past if you have a problem. the dealers are more then ready to fix it and get you the help you need.. What type of work you do .. pipe line .. mainly for 350ds for us.. They both have 300 hrs on the now.. I know the factory had problems with there travel motors but it was a hitachi part from japan and they spent 6 million fixing all them . right off the bat.. I really think the Deers are alot smoother to run .. very strong breakout force.. More than the cat... which gets work done faster... But cat makes good dozers .. But i think Deere and hitachi have the excavator down to a T


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2006
The sunflower state

Other than your fuel pump issue how do you like your 350D's? Are they working well for you? I'm glad to hear that the Raycor filters have addressed the issue.


Dec 30, 2008
running good now

They are all running good now. The local dealer has been a great help and their mechanic is one sharp guy. We are using the 350's to sub ex some berms and for pipe.


Senior Member
Feb 20, 2008
I'm glad to you ya'll liking the machines and the dealers taking care of you. I wasn't a big fan of the 330CLC's with that 6081H engine but when Deere updated to the 350 and upgraded to the 6090H I was thrilled. Main thing was fuel filters on these hoes.