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Did some build up and hard facing.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Did some build up and hard facing.
This weekend me and buddy did some work on my shear at work. Had to do some build up and hard facing.
On the 2 side views you can see where all the hex bolt holes are on the upper half. They were all egged out and you could not get the bolts out. We die grinded and opened them up and did some build up on the cutting side. Trying to stop the side from mushrooming down egg shaping the holes. On the 2nd from last hex bolt there was a big chunk missing, we built it up about ¾ of and inch and hard faced it. Then we touched up the hard facing on the rest of the shear. With the one piece missing and having to build it up was time consuming cause we had to keep placing the blade in there to make sure it would fit when we were done. So it was weld grind fit, weld grind fit. But it worked out pretty well.
Sorry if the pictures are a bit crappy as they are from my cell phone.


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