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I have a theory............

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
Diversity is a powerful factor in incompetence getting and keeping jobs. It always disgusts me
to see a useless jackwagon getting a job they would never get if they didn’t check a box for political correctness.
I worked with one of those types. During the first week he got majorly hurt doing something anyone with half an ounce of common sense (and certainly someone with the amount of experience he claimed to have) would know not to do. I even explicitly told him not to do it but apparently I was just a dumb kid at the time.

After that incident I distanced myself from him and never took any of his advice. He pulled me aside one day and tried claiming I was a racist and that's why I don't like him. Without skipping a beat I fired back something along the lines that I didn't like him because he was an idiot and he hadn't shown me any respect.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2011
The South
I worked with one of those types. During the first week he got majorly hurt doing something anyone with half an ounce of common sense (and certainly someone with the amount of experience he claimed to have) would know not to do. I even explicitly told him not to do it but apparently I was just a dumb kid at the time.

After that incident I distanced myself from him and never took any of his advice. He pulled me aside one day and tried claiming I was a racist and that's why I don't like him. Without skipping a beat I fired back something along the lines that I didn't like him because he was an idiot and he hadn't shown me any respect.

When I worked for the government I knew a man who interviewed for a position that was a promotion up from his current one and that he had been handling as a temporary fill in, was well qualified, and signed the offer letter then a woman who was not nearly as qualified threatened to sue because she didn’t get it, they took it from him and gave it to her, and told him if he didn’t like it tough but he had to train her to do the job. So he quit. I had the misfortune of working for her and she was horrible, always invented family emergencies to get out of her on duty weekends, and I had to constantly cover her.

She was so hateful too, her boss (also my higher level supervisor) even tried to get me to lay the pipe to her since I was single so that she’d be nicer lol but I wasn’t having it lol


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
West TN
eatin' trees, poopin' chips
What's coming down the pike is not very promising, either. My wife is a middle school teacher. Kids can't read an anolog clock, can't count change to make a dollar, don't know how many weeks in a month or months in a year, and the list of daily discoveries about the underachiever 5th graders goes on. Absolutely lost in basic concepts that I thought all 5th graders should know. Most are lazy, incompetent and totally clueless, as she reports episodes on a daily basis.

The worst part about it? This "No Child Left Behind" bs. No matter how low a student's grade, they can NOT be failed and they are pushed along within the system to the next grade. And many of the kids know it so they don't apply themselves, and their parents don't care. It's a pretty sad state of affairs that will only continue to erode our once great society.

However, I think I know what's coming in the future.....really soon, unfortunately. If you watch this, don't think of it as a "stupid movie" but instead, view it with the relevance of our current state of affairs. It's like seeing into the future, unfortunately. Mike Judge really nailed it with this one now that I realize how far ahead of his time he was when he wrote this.


cuttin edge

Senior Member
Nov 9, 2014
NB Canada
Finish grader operator
Diversity is a powerful factor in incompetence getting and keeping jobs. It always disgusts me
to see a useless jackwagon getting a job they would never get if they didn’t check a box for political correctness.
New Brunswick is a bilingual province. If you want a government job, you are farther ahead if you are able to speak english and french. There has been a shortage of ambulance drivers, as the official languages act won't allow them to hire english only. The qualified person is often passed over for the less qualified french speaker.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
When I worked for the government I knew a man who interviewed for a position that was a promotion up from his current one and that he had been handling as a temporary fill in, was well qualified, and signed the offer letter then a woman who was not nearly as qualified threatened to sue because she didn’t get it, they took it from him and gave it to her, and told him if he didn’t like it tough but he had to train her to do the job. So he quit. I had the misfortune of working for her and she was horrible, always invented family emergencies to get out of her on duty weekends, and I had to constantly cover her.

She was so hateful too, her boss (also my higher level supervisor) even tried to get me to lay the pipe to her since I was single so that she’d be nicer lol but I wasn’t having it lol
My partner works in Healthcare at an extended care facility. A new hire is supposed to do orientations of new employee's as part of her job but has made up ridiculous excuses for missing work on days when she's supposed to do orientations. She thinks its beneath her. If you're getting food poisining every night before an orientation is really suspect. Anybody else working there requires a Dr's. note if they are calling in sick more than usual. My partner is a back up but can't get her normal work done when she has to do last minute orientations. This new hires boss is real piece of work and won't say anything to the new hire because she doesn't like the site manager at the care facility. The new hire hasn't even reached her 1000hr/6 month's probation but made a comment about her and my partner (who's been there about 20 years) doing the tours of the new $400 million plus extension to the facilty. My partner just kind of shook her head in disbelief. Orientations for new hires are beneath you but you figure you should be one of the people to give tours of the new addition. Isn't that basically the same as giving orientations except for a different group of people? What makes you think you should be doing it. A new hire that figures she can decide what she wants to do instead of what the job description says she should do? The worst part is the site manager who is higher up than the new hires boss is reluctant to say anything for fear the new hires boss will retaliate against him. She apparently is condescending and nasty to just about everyone but the COO really likes her. Of course she's in human resources. My experiences with human resources is they are usually just company suck ups that think they are the most important people in the company and everybody else is below them.
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92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
What's coming down the pike is not very promising, either. My wife is a middle school teacher. Kids can't read an anolog clock, can't count change to make a dollar, don't know how many weeks in a month or months in a year, and the list of daily discoveries about the underachiever 5th graders goes on. Absolutely lost in basic concepts that I thought all 5th graders should know. Most are lazy, incompetent and totally clueless, as she reports episodes on a daily basis.

The worst part about it? This "No Child Left Behind" bs. No matter how low a student's grade, they can NOT be failed and they are pushed along within the system to the next grade. And many of the kids know it so they don't apply themselves, and their parents don't care. It's a pretty sad state of affairs that will only continue to erode our once great society.

However, I think I know what's coming in the future.....really soon, unfortunately. If you watch this, don't think of it as a "stupid movie" but instead, view it with the relevance of our current state of affairs. It's like seeing into the future, unfortunately. Mike Judge really nailed it with this one now that I realize how far ahead of his time he was when he wrote this.

Half the kids in my grade 8 class couldn't read an analog clock and that was almost 20 years ago now.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I can read an analog clock but prefer a digital watch. My partner works in healthcare and sets her car to show a 24 hour clock like the military. It always takes a few seconds to deduct 12 from what the clock says in the afternoon to figure out what time it is. She even stumbles the odd time. I worked in a tank shop years ago that some blueprints were standard and some were metric as in millimeters. They made everybody have to get someone else to verify the metric measurements before they proceded. It was a mistake just waiting to happen. Lazy draftsman. Most other shops would convert the measurements to standard because that's what everybody was used to. Metric is more accurate and used in aircraft manufacturing but it takes some getting used to when you haven't used it very much.
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Senior Member
Mar 13, 2011
The South
What's coming down the pike is not very promising, either. My wife is a middle school teacher. Kids can't read an anolog clock, can't count change to make a dollar, don't know how many weeks in a month or months in a year, and the list of daily discoveries about the underachiever 5th graders goes on. Absolutely lost in basic concepts that I thought all 5th graders should know. Most are lazy, incompetent and totally clueless, as she reports episodes on a daily basis.

The worst part about it? This "No Child Left Behind" bs. No matter how low a student's grade, they can NOT be failed and they are pushed along within the system to the next grade. And many of the kids know it so they don't apply themselves, and their parents don't care. It's a pretty sad state of affairs that will only continue to erode our once great society.

However, I think I know what's coming in the future.....really soon, unfortunately. If you watch this, don't think of it as a "stupid movie" but instead, view it with the relevance of our current state of affairs. It's like seeing into the future, unfortunately. Mike Judge really nailed it with this one now that I realize how far ahead of his time he was when he wrote this.

My wife has two sisters, one graduated HS last year and one will graduate next year.

The one that graduated last year cannot write past the fifth grade level nor is her reading and speaking skills are as polished as they should be.

This is a result of No Child Left Behind and poor teachers who just mark their grades up and pass them along especially in the face of the endless standardized testing. I met my wife when this girl was back still in elementary school. I paid attention all these years to how the two sisters talk about school and their teachers and boy howdy do they inadvertently reveal some modern teaching practices.

A thinking man looks at the widespread poor quality and results of this stuff and starts to think that maybe, just maybe, a poor education that results in adults unable to think for themselves or have more advanced life skills is the goal and not just a happenstance result.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Several years ago a teacher here was fired for failing a student. The student wouldn't get a tutor or stay a few minutes after class if they didn't understand. They were supposed to do a book report and never even tried. There was so much backlash from people outraged over the firing that the teacher got his job back. He said he'd do the same thing again for any student who didn't even try. I would agree there are some awful teachers though that just keep going full speed ahead with the 4 or 5 students that understand what's going on and the 15 or so other students are left to try and figure it out and fall behind. Not everybody learns at the same speed. It doesn't make people dumber because certain things take them longer to comprehend. There are things these people excel at that others would take longer to comprehend.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
West TN
eatin' trees, poopin' chips
My wife hates the new standards and curriculm that has been forced upon her. This Learnzillion stuff that I get to hear about nightly comes out of Louisiana. That state is 47th or so in standing within the 50 states. Likely NOT the best choice for teaching programs available but it's all about politics anymore within the school administrations. She watches her school slide backwards in academics. It has to be frustrating for someone with her experience of turning failing schools into state leaders years ago but she is passed over due to politics and not originally being from the local area. It's like leading that horse to water....

Too many useless idiots in the school system trying to justify their jobs by pushing their ideas of standards and failing to provide students with a solid foundation of basics in R,R & R. The administration worries about fluff and optics, not the basics for analytical thought. It's all about data, charting and testing. They force teachers to follow less than adequate curriculum programs and teach the students to pass the standards tests, and if they don't pass, they get pushed along anyways. It's all a bad joke on society and I usually get to hear about it nightly. I know that I would be thrown out of there if I was forced to work with the idiots that I get to hear about. I have a low tolerance for stupidity.


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2011
The South
My wife hates the new standards and curriculm that has been forced upon her. This Learnzillion stuff that I get to hear about nightly comes out of Louisiana. That state is 47th or so in standing within the 50 states. Likely NOT the best choice for teaching programs available but it's all about politics anymore within the school administrations. She watches her school slide backwards in academics. It has to be frustrating for someone with her experience of turning failing schools into state leaders years ago but she is passed over due to politics and not originally being from the local area. It's like leading that horse to water....

Too many useless idiots in the school system trying to justify their jobs by pushing their ideas of standards and failing to provide students with a solid foundation of basics in R,R & R. The administration worries about fluff and optics, not the basics for analytical thought. It's all about data, charting and testing. They force teachers to follow less than adequate curriculum programs and teach the students to pass the standards tests, and if they don't pass, they get pushed along anyways. It's all a bad joke on society and I usually get to hear about it nightly. I know that I would be thrown out of there if I was forced to work with the idiots that I get to hear about. I have a low tolerance for stupidity.

Not only are the administrators solely concerned with their prestige and little kingdoms they are the reasons the HUGE amounts of tax money that go into the school systems disappear. We collect enough property, sales, and lottery money in this state to fund schools with golden toilets but almost all of it disappears into the coffers of the administrators, school boards, and local politicians.

I could write a book about the corrruption of my hometown’s school system. Where else do you get a system that hires a superintendent and assistant supers at vastly inflated salaries and then hires their spouses as “consultants” for 90% of the salary and pays them that for LIFE???


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
My partner works in Healthcare at an extended care facility. A new hire is supposed to do orientations of new employee's as part of her job but has made up ridiculous excuses for missing work on days when she's supposed to do orientations. She thinks its beneath her. If you're getting food poisining every night before an orientation is really suspect. Anybody else working there requires a Dr's. note if they are calling in sick more than usual. My partner is a back up but can't get her normal work done when she has to do last minute orientations. This new hires boss is real piece of work and won't say anything to the new hire because she doesn't like the site manager at the care facility. The new hire hasn't even reached her 1000hr/6 month's probation but made a comment about her and my partner (who's been there about 20 years) doing the tours of the new $400 million plus extension to the facilty. My partner just kind of shook her head in disbelief. Orientations for new hires are beneath you but you figure you should be one of the people to give tours of the new addition. Isn't that basically the same as giving orientations except for a different group of people? What makes you think you should be doing it. A new hire that figures she can decide what she wants to do instead of what the job description says she should do? The worst part is the site manager who is higher up than the new hires boss is reluctant to say anything for fear the new hires boss will retaliate against him. She apparently is condescending and nasty to just about everyone but the COO really likes her. Of course she's in human resources. My experiences with human resources is they are usually just company suck ups that think they are the most important people in the company and everybody else is below them.
I am so glad I don't care what people think and I don't choose to use 'my filter'.

I also seem to have an innate gift to know what truly offends people and am more than willing to pepper my interactions with said material. It seems to 'cut to the chase' quickly.


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
A thinking man looks at the widespread poor quality and results of this stuff and starts to think that maybe, just maybe, a poor education that results in adults unable to think for themselves or have more advanced life skills is the goal and not just a happenstance result.
A well educated populace that knows how they are getting f*^%&$ is bad for the people who own everything.

I would add that the 'teachers' were 'educated' in the same system. They also do not have the ability to think.

We have had an indoctrination system, not an education system, since I was in school (kicked out of class of '87).


Senior Member
Jun 22, 2018
Homosassa, FL USA
I would agree there are some awful teachers though that just keep going full speed ahead with the 4 or 5 students that understand what's going on and the 15 or so other students are left to try and figure it out and fall behind. Not everybody learns at the same speed.
I do not think they are any worse than the teaches that slows everything down to try to keep up the 'tail end' students. The system is the big problem.


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2015
Canada's Northwest
The guy that has delivered my coveralls for the past twenty years showed up about five years ago with a trainee fresh out of high school. He told me he was taking over a different route where he would have more driving time and less drops and would require training to access some of the sites and he would make more money and a bit of overtime. He was looking forward to the change.
Two weeks later he has another trainee about the same age the first one didn't work out. After five young trainees they gave up and he is still doing the same route five years later.
The job required a basic driver's license a clean driving record and the ability to lift sixty pounds and the ability to read well enough to identify where to drop of the various bags and bundles of clean laundry. It also paid a decent wage.