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info. on new graders


Oct 28, 2012
grade foreman
My company has brought out 2 graders 1 is a 12-m cat the other 670 gp. john deere.Were working on airport building landing pads for the new jets for the military. Have any of you guys run the m-series I was just wondering how it will hold up over a long period of time?I know it has a lot of electronics and that kinda scare's me.I dont want the man I work for too buy something on my say so and we end of with problems.Both graders has there good points but I have always ran cat graders and they have always lasted....not sure about the jd.I like the new controls of the m it'll take some getting use and the jd. is more convectional less electronics.Either way we go the topcon mm-gps I think is a given.