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Just heard about a diesel shortage?


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2021
kent, wa
The Li battery fires for one, and then we now have Pentane for refrigerant in our freezers and refrigerators. And for what?

And thanks to DPF Diesel trucks, buses, RV's etc. all on occasion catch fire as well.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2022
Upstate, NY
Everyone thinks hydrogen for fuel cell comes from high school science experiment (i.e. electrolysis of water) but the hydrogen comes from fossil fuel as it is cheaper and more efficient.

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
Power sources are changing which will change expectations we attained in the last forty years. In the nineties I was told that there wasn't a part anywhere in the world that couldn't be in hand second day and there were no parts in the US that couldn't be in hand next day. I think that expectation is gone. Next expectation is any amount of cheap fuel available anywhere and in unlimited quantities. I see that slipping away right now. Things are changing and so far technologies have kept pace with societal expectations. That will be test in the next five years or so. Maybe the next item is shelves full of food and consumer goods in multiple stores a short distance from where ever you live. Hoping that my kids and grand kids don't feel that kind of hunger in their lifetimes.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
Power sources are changing which will change expectations we attained in the last forty years. In the nineties I was told that there wasn't a part anywhere in the world that couldn't be in hand second day and there were no parts in the US that couldn't be in hand next day. I think that expectation is gone. Next expectation is any amount of cheap fuel available anywhere and in unlimited quantities. I see that slipping away right now. Things are changing and so far technologies have kept pace with societal expectations. That will be test in the next five years or so. Maybe the next item is shelves full of food and consumer goods in multiple stores a short distance from where ever you live. Hoping that my kids and grand kids don't feel that kind of hunger in their lifetimes.
You know John, as much as I respect your vast knowledge, experience, and ability in heavy equipment, your views on the current state of affairs in this country and what and why we are at this point are appalling. If our grocery stores run out of food, it isn't because technology hasn't kept up, it is because we as a society have gotten our heads stuck up our a$$es. The problems with everything right now are perfectly clear, IF a person is willing to accept the facts.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
I thought he'd nailed it, right at the first sentence?
Here in the frozen north, power sources cannot/should not change. Please tell me how in the f*** we are supposed to farm millions of acres of dirt with electricity???????????????

The facking power companies are already struggling to keep up, and we don't even have electric tractors yet. Unless you know of some magical unicorn p!ss that we will be able to use as fuel that will save the world????

Our expectations will have to change, given the realities faced.

They would not have to, if we weren't dealing with fantasies conceived by morons at the wheel, steering us right into an iceberg
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Senior Member
Mar 24, 2021
As for fuel prices, I added a surcharge for customers outside a 20 mile radius from my house. $4.50/gallon for regular 87, $5.50/gallon for diesel now.

I've been looking for a tandem dump truck still, and I'm starting to see prices trickle back down from their crazy highs last year. Everyone thought their clapped out, rust jacked, municipal single axle was worth over $10,000 last year, no matter what. Now they're listing for half that or less, where they were in 2019.

$6.59 a gallon for diesel in my town.
This is going to destroy everything as diesel trucks transport everything. Groceries, meds, gasoline, livestock feed.


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2017
Will county Illinois
With the current administration digging in, we don't have any options. They will keep pushing the green agenda. This last week I read where Texas was once again asked to turn up their thermostats. Said the drain on the power grid was too severe. They're only in spring, what's gonna happen come August?
Our oil is not our oil. It belongs to the companies who extract and refine it. Unfortunately, they can sell for a higher profit when sold on the global market. We bid against countries in NATO and the UN. They get rich and ultimately we actually wind up purchasing fuel from Venezuela, they hate us! We, the US, have oil, gas and other natural resources. Our current government heads have tied our hands behind our backs. Diesel is the lifeblood of our country. I firmly believe this is an effort to destroy capitalism to make socialism more palatable.


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2021
With the current administration digging in, we don't have any options. They will keep pushing the green agenda. This last week I read where Texas was once again asked to turn up their thermostats. Said the drain on the power grid was too severe. They're only in spring, what's gonna happen come August?
Our oil is not our oil. It belongs to the companies who extract and refine it. Unfortunately, they can sell for a higher profit when sold on the global market. We bid against countries in NATO and the UN. They get rich and ultimately we actually wind up purchasing fuel from Venezuela, they hate us! We, the US, have oil, gas and other natural resources. Our current government heads have tied our hands behind our backs. Diesel is the lifeblood of our country. I firmly believe this is an effort to destroy capitalism to make socialism more palatable.

I’ve read extensively on the history of communist revolutions in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and Venezuela. ALL of the things that led up to the communists seizing power are happening in the US.

We currently have brown outs in major cities in the summer. How are we going to shift everything to electric when we can’t even provide for our needs now? And that’s before the leftists shut down dirty power plants and destroy the economy so there’s no money for power grid updates.

Either our leaders are idiots or it’s intentional.


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2017
Will county Illinois
I’ve read extensively on the history of communist revolutions in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and Venezuela. ALL of the things that led up to the communists seizing power are happening in the US.

We currently have brown outs in major cities in the summer. How are we going to shift everything to electric when we can’t even provide for our needs now? And that’s before the leftists shut down dirty power plants and destroy the economy so there’s no money for power grid updates.

Either our leaders are idiots or it’s intentional.
I'm with you, unfortunately, we're going to have to leave it there. If we continue down this path, we'll both be getting suspended or banned.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
I’ve read extensively on the history of communist revolutions in Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, and Venezuela. ALL of the things that led up to the communists seizing power are happening in the US.

We currently have brown outs in major cities in the summer. How are we going to shift everything to electric when we can’t even provide for our needs now? And that’s before the leftists shut down dirty power plants and destroy the economy so there’s no money for power grid updates.

Either our leaders are idiots or it’s intentional.
As of tonight Australia may have gone a similar path after the elections.


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2017
Will county Illinois
I have to admit ignorance in what goes on down there. I only hear and read what's available, which usually means I only see the crimes and ridiculous laws passed. Is Australia slipping into the 'isms ?

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
My views are my views and opinions based on sixty eight years of living on this planet and having spent some small amount of time traveling this and other countries. If you don't like them, don't read my posts.


Senior Member
Mar 15, 2009
Ex land clearing contractor, part-time retired
What I find amazing is that the party which will be forming government only secured 30-31% of the primary vote.
Australia has just got to the steepest part of a slippery slope going into a sesspit joining NZ and Canada. You better sell your cattle, learn to grow dope and sing Kumbyah.