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Just whining about people.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2017
Sheridan, CO
I don’t like people. I like a handful of specific persons. But people **** me off. I have a shop about 20 minutes north of my house in Sheridan CO. I also run a mobile unit, an old International S1954. She’s old and slow but dead reliable. I keep that rig in a rental yard about 30 minutes south of me, normally. I don’t want to keep it at the house, because it’s ugly, stinky and smokes when it’s cold. I can fog out the whole block when I fire it up in the winter. That’s an exaggeration, but it does smoke when it’s cold. I realize this, so I keep it far away. But every once in awhile, I have to bring it home. A job runs long, I have to pick up the kiddo… you get the drift. A couple times a year I have to drive it home. Last night was one of those times. It’s out front right now. Last night, I parked in the street. Totally legal here. By the way, I have gone to great lengths to see to it that it does not leak, at all. This morning, there was a note on my front door saying my truck was “leaking all over the road”. Handwritten by one of my neighbors. Also threatening to “turn me in to code enforcement”, if I didn’t move it immediately. It rained last night, water pooled up in the corner of the box, and dripped down on the ground, looking like oil or something. The drain hole is small, so water is still dripping out now, but it’s just water.

So I left my own note on my door saying simply “go ahead, love, Pete”. Imma leave it there for a few days and let it simmer. By this afternoon, it’ll all dry up and there won’t be a trace of a leak. I hope this guy calls code enforcement now, and by the time they send a guy, there won’t be anything to see.

I like telling stories. That’s my story for the day. Peace out.


Senior Member
Feb 19, 2012
With all the things in life to worry about, your “good neighbor” decides breaking your balls is more important than doing anything else in life. I like that you leaned into it by leaving the truck there and leaving your own note. That’s gonna drive him/her nuts. Good on you.

My favorite part though is this….

“I like specific persons”

….spot on.


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
West TN
eatin' trees, poopin' chips
Speaking my language on this subject.

Dealing with people: that is why I work alone in the woods and I don't live within city limits. But idiots still invade my space and push my limits of patience. I could be a much happier person if I did not have to worry over lawsuits and other such limitations placed on my desires.

I own a quarter mile of road frontage on both sides so no neighbors to deal with close by. However, I must own the most pissed upon piece of road for miles about. I lost count of the encounters many years ago. 30 minutes ago I hear a semi pull into the yard (opposite side of the road from his direction of travel) just to jump out behind his driver's side steer tire and let it go. There is a completely empty lot across the street as well but they never seem to want to use that ground. Maybe I should start recording more with my many devices and start a wall of shame. I've also thought of placing some really loud noise makers in the bushes out front so that when the muscles are relaxed, they might make an extra deposit in their drawers. I know how to make some really loud stuff - chemistry class was a learning experience that helped me improve my methods with efficiency.

Yep, I don't like the general populace too much. And I especially hate city life where people try to tell me how to live. Let's just say I'm not too civilized in those situations.

Mike L

Senior Member
Dec 1, 2010
Self employed field mechanic
When I was younger, those guys got egged on Halloween.
thats a rookie move. I knew a guy who knew a guy who got together with his partner in crime and a case of cold frothies one night. His neighbor had called him in for mistreatment of his hunting dogs. (not true). The retaliation was spelling out narc in gasoline on his well manicured lawn on his wedding night.


Senior Member
Aug 27, 2014
North Carolina
thats a rookie move. I knew a guy who knew a guy who got together with his partner in crime and a case of cold frothies one night. His neighbor had called him in for mistreatment of his hunting dogs. (not true). The retaliation was spelling out narc in gasoline on his well manicured lawn on his wedding night.
Better is "round-up" or glyphosate herbicide. Takes a week to kill the grass. Revenge is best served cold.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
The neighbor beside my land is delusional. He's had 1 dog hit by a vehicle (blamed the driver) and at least a couple more die off his property in addition to backing over one of his own dogs. They all liked to chase cars. Just when I thought there were only a couple dogs left there's now 5 new puppies learning how to chase vehicles. Nobody wants to hit a dog but I've had about 3 dozen people complain about them over the years when they come to my MX track. One of the riders even talked to him for me and the neighbor acknowledged he could do better. We put a sign to slow drivers down but the county removed it. It's a dead end road but you can't just put up a lower speed limit. It's considered a secondary highway with an 80kmh speed limit. The neighbor is even taking pics. of people he thinks are speeding and calling the cops. One of the people was from the gravel pit that supports me. The cops even said he can't prove anything with a picture and it sounds like he's kind of a nuisance as he's done it a few times. What can I do without getting some kind of retaliation from the neighbor? I don't live at the property so don't want any vandalism of my property or equipment. He's almost forced my hand being the self appointed road police. I don't want to harm the dogs. It's not their vault. I like dogs. We just had to put one down about a week ago and it was pretty sad. We had her for 15 years.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2010
Farmington IL
FAA Radar Engineer, (Retired)
Had a neighbor that was a real pain in the ass to everyone in the neighborhood. Older couple unhappy about everything it seemed. Could not get along with anybody. After retirement, they took to disliking the cold weather in Illinois during the winter months to temporarily relocate to the warmer climate of the southern states. This way they missed the brutality of sub zero weather over several weeks. Upon returning in the spring of 1974, they arrived to a house of broken water pipes, busted toilet bowls, peeling paint and wallpaper, interior flooding, and a deep freeze of spoiled meat.

I won't clarify but seems somebody shut the gas cock off at the meter, and pulled the electric meter from it's socket setting it on the ground in the shrubbery. This allowed mother nature to do her work in silence during the extreme cold of the winter months.

In those days everything had a standing pilot furnace and water heater, meter bases were not armored precluding their removal, and gas cocks are to this day cannot be locked open.

Of course this is all told to me by other neighbors.

The troublesome neighbors sold the place shortly afterward.


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2017
Sheridan, CO
Unfortunately, since cash doesn’t fall out of the sky, I have to run that old pig today. I wasn’t able to leave it there as long as I hoped. Funny thing though, I forgot (and my neighbor did too), that I have a video doorbell. I know exactly who it was. The note that I left yesterday was gone this morning. She actually came and took it. I mean, that was the point, but my doorbell caught it. My wife was the one getting the notifications from the doorbell (they’re not working for my phone, just hers). She’s traveling this week for work, so I had no idea about any of this. She asked why “so n so” was coming over and leaving right away, and I’m like “duh?”. It took me a minute to put it together. At least I had proof she was leaving right away! Hah. Anyway, yeah all this crap is now caught on tape, so to speak. I don’t know wth I’m going to do with that information, but there we are. Have a good day y’all.