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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2007
The great Southwest
Just wondering how things are going across the HEF community. All the mines in our area are laying off. Price of copper is down, it seems to always happen right around the holiday's. So far I still have a job, and it would not be the end of the world should I get canned... after all it is quail season!!! Hope all the best for you all during Thanksgiving and Christmas!:drinkup


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
The company I was operating a satellite office for shut down in August. Pi$$ poor management and planning.

A few days later, I filed for unemployment and found out that they had not paid their unemployment taxes.

I fell back on some old skills that I had learned over the years and now have my own welding company.

The government is doing some major on Ft. Carson army base and they are looking for truck drivers and operators. I would love to get back into it, but its nice being my own boss. In fact, I sent myself home today!
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Senior Member
Mar 1, 2008
The company I was operating a satellite office for shut down in August. Pi$$ poor management and planning.

A few days later, I filed for unemployment and found out that they had not paid their unemployment taxes.

I fell back on some old skills that I had learned over the years and now have my own welding company.

The government is doing some major on Ft. Carson army base and they are looking for truck drivers and operators. I would love to get back into it, but its nice being my own boss. In fact, I sent myself home today!

Yeah, it starts with a half day hear and a couple days there. Don´t let the man keep you down. I wouldn´t but up with that kind of crap if I were you.


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2008
We have moved on and now were lost....
People here are being layed off wholesale not just in construction with 240 jobs gone here to day in industry ,not alot says you but with a total population of 3 million it's alot in one day


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2005
Lynnwood, WA
2nd year Operating Engineer Apprentice
Laid off in October, not that much fun but whatever. I have winter work lined up as soon as it snows, this year has been depressing to say the least for snowfall in the PNW. Hopefully December brings a change of pace or I won't work all winter, that would be bad news.

Talked to my boss recently and I should be back come April if all goes well. We have an almost identical project to the one I was working on when I left to complete.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2008
West Sussex UK
owner operator
lay offs

It is dire here in the UK, a good friend was laid off 4 wks ago, one of about 30 from a firm that runs tippers, excavators 5t to 50t, dozers, has landfill/tips, crushers screens etc, work just died overnight for anybody involved with house building in any shape or form.
I've been told I'll be OK until Xmas give or take a week but that will complete the job I am on. New Year might be a bit bleak but I'm a lot better off than a lot of people, I'm still working.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2008
Sioux Falls,SD
loader operator
Friday was my last day, at least the foreman let me know thursday compared to the usual same day they give folks. I'm not too surprised though as they also shut down all operations this week. The bigger bummer though is that the company gave us a letter saying if we've been laid off that to be called back we have to remain on unemployment, if we stop that or get another job we don't get called back. And then the stuff from the state says you have to make 2 contacts per week to get benefits...WTF?!
I've got an application out with the city but I'm not holding my breathe, more just relaxing and deciding what garbage job I'll take until next season starts.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2008
West Sussex UK
owner operator
just relaxing and deciding what garbage job I'll take until next season starts.

A friend who was struggling, bumped into an old mate who works in the garbage part of the industry and said if things dont pick up I'll be calling for a job, I'm not too proud to hump rubbish if I have to.
The reply was " dont rush theres 70 in front of you as of yesterday morning " :Banghead


Senior Member
Jan 20, 2008
Edmonton AB
Operator at Sureway Construction
Things have definately slowed down here for most companies. Our entire crew was laid off on friday but me and the boss have been makin plans for the last 2 months. We found enough small winter jobs to keep us in business until our big pond to dig in march. Gonna be runnin a grader for a couple weeks doin cleanup, then a dozer and then off to remove a topsoil pile once things freeze up a bit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2008
Sioux Falls,SD
loader operator
A friend who was struggling, bumped into an old mate who works in the garbage part of the industry and said if things dont pick up I'll be calling for a job, I'm not too proud to hump rubbish if I have to.
The reply was " dont rush theres 70 in front of you as of yesterday morning " :Banghead

I know the feeling, almost makes ya wish you got laid off first so you'd have a better chance at some jobs.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Been laid off since November 12.
All the scrap yards in my area have been laying people off left and right.
Managed to get a few things done around the house, now it’s time to start looking again.
I got a few phone calls to make.


Senior Member
Jan 20, 2007
rhode island
been off since the begining of the month, just waiting for the job i was on to get rolling again in march. got some local guys that i could go plow snow for but i hate plowing snow and we dont get snow like we use to get

RollOver Pete

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2007
Indio, Ca
Operating Engineer/mechanic
Threads like this one are a real eye opener :eek:
Guess I'm just lucky.
Maybe Im just a workaholic?
Regardless, I've always made a point of keeping a foot in as many doors as possible.
Always having another (paying) option available just in case has been a way of life for me.
If the job I'm at now were to dry up, I've got another job to go to tomorrow.

I know what it's like to open up a kitchen cabinet and see nothing to eat.
I also know what its like to have a truck repo'd because I couldn't make my payments.
When I went through this back in 1986,
I made a promise to myself to never again be at anyone's mercy when it comes to me bringing home a paycheck.
I won't get on any list or wait in any line looking for work.
I won't go hungry for anyone....

I had a huge attitude adjustment in 86.
Since then, I've never been without a job.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2008
Western Canada is slowing down too. It's a mixed picture, with some sectors strong and others hurting.

Oil is slowing with the drop in oil prices. A lot of the oil activity has shifted from Alberta to Saskatchewan and B.C. The Bakken oil field that extends into Saskatchewan, N. Dakota, and Montana is about the hottest oil play on the continent and is keeping that area going. Potash and uranium mines are also doing just fine.

The governments of both Alberta and Saskatchewan are still running multi-billion dollar surpluses, although Alberta drastically reduced its budget surplus estimate to about two billion dollars. Saskatchewan estimates its budget surplus at 2.3 billion. That means that, for now at least, new highway and other infrastructure construction continues. Things could change fast if the world economy continues to worsen.

The housing industry is hard hit. Housing is in an oversupply situation, and prices are coming down a little. Housing starts are way down, and construction workers may have hard times ahead. Condo projects might be worst off. One big condo project in southern Alta recently went into receivership at 95% complete. Others are being capped at ground level or cancelled. In some cases, subtrades are hurting and having trouble getting paid.

The good news is that winter hasn't really arrived yet, so anyone who has work can keep on going for now.


Senior Member
Aug 4, 2008
We have moved on and now were lost....
I made a promise to myself to never again be at anyone's mercy when it comes to me bringing home a paycheck.
I won't get on any list or wait in any line looking for work.
I won't go hungry for anyone....

I had a huge attitude adjustment in 86.
Since then, I've never been without a job.

OOOO! yea can totally agree with those sentiments, the reason I chose to be a civil servant (bah)


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2007
RV hauling has gone down the tubes with the credit and financial crunch. Plus since we got rear-ended in Nevada in October, haven't been able to get far from the house since then anyway as my lady received severe whip-lash injury and has to see doctors and do physical therapy at least three days a week thorough December. At least repairs to hauler are now complete.

But that's the bright side. I myself was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia Tuesday and start chemo-therapy this coming Monday. From what I hear I'll not feel like doing much for a couple months after that.

Beyond that, construction and mining here in Arizona has been flushed down the crapper. Even truck driver jobs are becoming rare and competition for new positions is fierce. Only bright spot is that our new law regarding employers hiring illegal aliens is starting to work well and that is freeing up positions that otherwise might not be open.

If our government doesn't force the lending people to get with the program and stop hoarding the tax money they have been given recently, it's going to be a mighty bad year in 2009. If our domestic auto industry goes down, well, I can't even imagine the misery that will cause for the entire country. I suppose there will be some that make a killing from it financially, but I'm not one of them.

I'm hoping the Obama team leap from the starting gate with money for lots of transportation work. We all know that there are millions of dollars worth of work already approved in every state and ready to go, just need funding. Wouldn't mind seeing oil and gas exploration pick up either, but with current low prices, don't see that happening. High prices for casing and shortage of rigs kept a new well from spudding in on property I have in Michigan this last year. Low natural gas price now likely to keep new drilling off the table next year too.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

RollOver Pete

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2007
Indio, Ca
Operating Engineer/mechanic
I myself was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia Tuesday and start chemo-therapy this coming Monday. From what I hear I'll not feel like doing much for a couple months after that.

I just said a prayer for ya surfer-joe.
And will continue to do so until you are once again back in the saddle. :drinkup

Nothing better to do so I am working today.
Just delivered a H20 tower to the Stock lumber yard in San Bernardino.
p.s.... I think turkey tastes like crap :throwup
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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2007
Road Dog
surfer-joe, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have learned one thing about any cancer, the willingness to fight and kick its ass is the most helpful thing you can have. My father is a long time survivor of cancer. In fact, he was diagnosed when I was 2 years old. 24 years later hes still alive and kicking.

Pete, you havent had turkey the right way. Just like food from the fair, you gotta deep fry that turkey