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Loss of talent


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2013
I've had 17 or 18 year old kids show up with their mother it's bad enough if mom stays in the car but I've had them participate in the interview. " sorry mom just cost your kid a job"


Senior Member
Dec 5, 2016
Bakersfield Ca
I've had 17 or 18 year old kids show up with their mother it's bad enough if mom stays in the car but I've had them participate in the interview. " sorry mom just cost your kid a job"
wow this past summer when I was up north for school for 2 weeks I have 3 younger guys from our company in their early 20s and quite a few in the class in their early 20s one day on break I walked into the break room and guess what their all on their phones and no one was talking to one another trying to get to know each other every chance they get their on their phones cant go 8 hrs without it that was one nice thing when we were working at the prison cant take your phone with you


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2013
I have a kid working for me right now, he's a good kid, knows nothing, but shows up every day and puts in a good effort so I'll take the time and teach him, not just the trade, but things he should have learned at home like how to look at a problem and work your way through it. A couple of weeks ago my journeymen carpenters were doing some final touches on a house, real finicky stuff and there was absolutely nothing for him to do so rather then send him home early I took him back to my shop and he helped me tidy up then we went to my barn and fed hay, bedded cattle and fixed a few things that I have been neglecting. While we were doing this 3:00 o'clock came so we went to the house for break, my wife was home so she made me a snack and offered him the usual, coffee , tea, pop,cookies, home baking, I give him credit he very politely said no thank you then put his head back down and spent the next 15 minutes on his phone... wow if my kids or if I ever did that I'd get a slap in the head and made to apologize for my rudeness. That night my wife and where talking about it, nobody has taught him better.
I am so proud of my own kids, we have twin boys 30 and a daughter 25, they all have had thier own homes for several years. My sons are both tradesmen and my daughter is in administration at a hospital and has had three promotions in three years and I have no idea how many times I have had parents of there friends thank my wife and myself for raising such polite kids ( don't know how it happened I'm kinda an A Hole,must be my wife )
So I think a huge part of the problem is the parents of this generation being too lazy or too busy to instil good manners and work ethic in thier kids.


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2014
North Dakota
Farmer/ excavator
My wife and I were out for dinner awhile ago and saw a 10-12 year old boy quietly reading a book, a real book!, not a comic or magazine.
When the waitress came by he put the book down and ordered his dinner, said thank you.

A rare sighting indeed. I thought it would be interesting to see how he turns out in 10 more years. There is a few good ones out there, but rare as hens teeth.

92U 3406

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2017
Western Canuckistan
Wrench Bender
I have a kid working for me right now, he's a good kid, knows nothing, but shows up every day and puts in a good effort so I'll take the time and teach him, not just the trade, but things he should have learned at home like how to look at a problem and work your way through it. A couple of weeks ago my journeymen carpenters were doing some final touches on a house, real finicky stuff and there was absolutely nothing for him to do so rather then send him home early I took him back to my shop and he helped me tidy up then we went to my barn and fed hay, bedded cattle and fixed a few things that I have been neglecting. While we were doing this 3:00 o'clock came so we went to the house for break, my wife was home so she made me a snack and offered him the usual, coffee , tea, pop,cookies, home baking, I give him credit he very politely said no thank you then put his head back down and spent the next 15 minutes on his phone... wow if my kids or if I ever did that I'd get a slap in the head and made to apologize for my rudeness. That night my wife and where talking about it, nobody has taught him better.
I am so proud of my own kids, we have twin boys 30 and a daughter 25, they all have had thier own homes for several years. My sons are both tradesmen and my daughter is in administration at a hospital and has had three promotions in three years and I have no idea how many times I have had parents of there friends thank my wife and myself for raising such polite kids ( don't know how it happened I'm kinda an A Hole,must be my wife )
So I think a huge part of the problem is the parents of this generation being too lazy or too busy to instil good manners and work ethic in thier kids.

I can relate to the kid. I was the same way up until my early 20's. I simply lacked some social skills and suffered from social anxiety. New or unfamiliar situations would throw me for a loop and I wouldn't know how to react, so I'd just sit quietly and hope no one would bother me.


Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
Hampshire, UK
Sounds like you have found a good one.
I wouldn’t worry about him burying himself in his phone. It can be an intimidating situation for a youngster. You’re his boss and and his bosses wife and I’m assuming old enough to be his parents, small talk was probably too much for him. He was polite to your wife and then as he was on a break did what a lot of people do, looked at his phone to avoid any difficult conversation.


Active Member
May 30, 2016
Ohhh boy I love this topic. Just read all the posts. Look guys, I'm 28. I must have grown up in the wrong decade, or millennium, because I agree with all that I've read here. Here's my take. As mentioned before, there wasn't a damn wink of education or guidance on budgeting or financial smarts. It wasn't until my wife and I got married 3 years ago that our pastor that was officiating our wedding met with us 6 times to teach us his thoughts on a long lasting happy marriage. One of those meetings was dedicated to budgeting and being smart with your money. After we were done, I couldn't believe I was never taught that s*** growing up. I think that could help this generation a ton. It's not about getting the highest paying job so you can get the most exspensive truck, that just leads you back to $0. It's about looking forward... which no one does anymore. Learned a lot that day. There's a hell of a lot wrong with the schools I think too. We have a 1 year old, and boy I'm worried about puttting her through 12 years of public school. But it's up to us as well to make sure she knows right and wrong, smart and stupid.

As far as the skilled worker shortage... college is drilled into us, like others have already said. "Cant get anywhere without a degree"... I can't even count the amount of people i know that did the 4 year deal, couldn't find a job, moved back home, expect a damn handout. I'm not sure what the source of the problem is, but I know a lot of guys that cannot find good help. There are a handful of my buddies that have a good work ethic, worked hard out of high school, put in their time, have good jobs, good lives... there's hope, but the majority of people my age F****** suck. All about Facebook and twitter blah blah. Pisses me off. Go sit at a mall or a grocery store, everyone's walking around with their heads down faces buried in their phones making sure they're up to date on the newest BS post or picture. It's all insecurities. "Oh she has that and I don't, oh no, I'm not as cool, I better catch up..." that's our world fellas. That what kids my age and younger are all worried about... that's it. F*** being a productive person, let alone working for your POS trucking company, they say. Why the hell would they drive your truck when they can get a 80k job doing something that allows them to look at their phone all day???? Come on guys. You expect them to wrench or weld or operate equipment or trucks??? HA. Now I'm getting worked up.

I went from working a family owned farming business, to working for the largest Utility company Around... I cannot believe the S*** this company does. Whether it's hiring unqualified idiots based on ethnicity or degree, or choosing to buy new parts at 10x the cost of rebuilding. It's the way we are now. No one wants to be patient and wait, even if it costs more. What I'm getting at is these are the companies that run s***. They have idiots up high in management making decisions about stuff they have no business doing.

I cannot wait to leave that place... problem is they pay way too good. I find that all the guys I work with Just flat out don't care. Don't care about quality of work, don't care about state of the company that pays them, don't care about being decent, don't care about coworkers.

I want to start my own business one day, but i sure worry if that would be smart because I don't think working hard or caring gets you anywhere anymore. Does it??

Question to your original question. why would an entitled iPhone slinging, bad haircut having, skinny jeans wearing mellenium want to show up to your trucking business, or equipment business, or construction business, and give a god damn about working hard for you when he can skate away and hop on the easy train? Make more money for a corporation or wherever. Why do you think immigrants are thriving? legal or not. We had it way too easy from year one. I had it way too easy. Skated through school. No one made it hard on us. I'd be one of those Bieber wannabe's if I didn't have my own personal goals and standards. Starts from the top just like poorly ran corporations. "Come work 10 times harder for me, just because" hahaha, get what tim saying guys? These kids are hopeless. Look at YOUR generations for the blame! (Oh I'm gonna hear about that last comment) now just for clarity, you guys here obviously have different values and sounds like you've raised productive and functioning human beings. I think guys like us in this thread are the exception.

I'm mostly disgusted to be a part of this generation.

This turned into a rant, I better stop. It's probably not making sense, but I'm not done with this topic....

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
This will probably pi$$ off some on here but it's my Generation {Boomers} that raised these kids. Boomers are mostly responsible for the mess. One comment I've heard over
and over from boomers is {I just want my kid to have better than I had}. What was it that boomers had that was so bad?--Nothing.

Truck Shop


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
This will probably pi$$ off some on here but it's my Generation {Boomers} that raised these kids. Boomers are mostly responsible for the mess. One comment I've heard over
and over from boomers is {I just want my kid to have better than I had}. What was it that boomers had that was so bad?--Nothing.

Truck Shop

I've read and heard the same thing. I think it's a combination of that and the timing of our nations growth, technology etc. It's a constant uphill battle to raise good kids these days. We have rules for phones and my girls do not like them. They'll thank me someday, I hope!

WCR73, don't be too concerned about public school. It's not all bad, stay active and ask questions and you'll be able to counteract what you don't like. I'm an old hand by now, my 5th starts public school next year :).


Active Member
May 30, 2016
Junkyard, yea I'm not that worried, because my wife and I will be very involved and will give a s*** about raising decent kids. I'm not all doom and gloom, I swear. We still live in a place that gives us a fighting chance to live a pretty damn good life.... compared to other places.

I think a lot of people forget that. Again, most idiots my age do especially.

This worker shortage will fill up someday, but like it was said previously, who knows what the work force then will be like... the word "yikes" comes to mind.


Active Member
May 30, 2016
Junkyard, yea I'm not that worried, because my wife and I will be very involved and will give a s*** about raising decent kids. I'm not all doom and gloom, I swear. We still live in a place that gives us a fighting chance to live a pretty damn good life.... compared to other places.

I think a lot of people forget that. Again, most idiots my age do especially.

This worker shortage will fill up someday, but like it was said previously, who knows what the work force then will be like... the word "yikes" comes to mind.

..... screwed up the reply

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
My parents were depression and WWI generation who said they wanted it better for their kids than they had it. I never said that to my kids and don't recall anyone in the boomer generation saying to theirs either. I believe my parents had a right to say and do anything they wanted having come through so many desperate times. I also believe it put a toughness in them that seems to be lacking in many of the subsequent generations. It seems a trial by fire is what makes a nation great.


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
WWII shaped this nation in so many ways. Mostly good. Can you imagine today's snowflakes dealing with rationing? Holy chit man they'd have a meltdown. When my grandma died we were cleaning up and sorting things. Found books of ration stamps from the 40's. Think about how this country pulled together back then. Very inspiring. I wish there was a way to instill that these days without a global conflict and millions dead.

John C.

Senior Member
Jun 11, 2007
Machinery & Equipment Appraiser
I believe our current generations would do fine if pressed against the wall the way the greatest generation was. Remember we still have solders, airmen and sailors all over the world and this nation is still the largest producer of things and wealth the world has ever known. The callouses will return to the hands when the work loads require it.