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'New' Cat 931


New Member
Oct 24, 2022
New here. Read lots of very useful and old posts. Thanks to all that help here.

I have inherited my dad's workhorse of a 931. He maintained it well, but during his illness and after the machine sat out in the pasture for a good 6 years. I have been meaning to get the darn thing running to atleast move it. Well, with some luck, a duct taped starter, and a few busted knuckles, I did! Once I got the old kitty to spin fast enough, it fired right up and so far runs great. Anyway, that's the back story.

I know you all won't be surprised to know it has a steering issue. I've read enough threads to have a good handle on where to head on that. I may be back with more questions after I can test and check it out more. I have the machine in the dry and look forward to learning about it and keeping it working for as long as possible.

Short story made long, but my question is would someone please look up the stats of my serial? # 78U00786

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
It appears to be a fairly early model at 786. Someone with access to SIS can hopefully give you some build data on your machine.