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new owner and member


Jun 16, 2009
Ah, should have read the rules and anounsments first.....

Thanks for joining us here at Heavy Equipment Forums!! When you registered, you joined the "Probationary Member" group which does not allow you to start new threads. This has been done to control automated "spambots" which attack this Board daily. You may post in existing threads, and once you have done so 3 times, you are automatically promoted to "Full Member" status. It will take at least one hour after making your third post for the program to recognize your new privileges and at this point you will be able to start threads in any forum. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Cant wait for full membership in an hours time!


Jun 16, 2009
First attempt to attach a scan of one page on 1/2 way valve. Its UK so not sure if applicable to you but worth a look I guess.


  • jcb info003.jpg
    jcb info003.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 329


Jun 16, 2009
My employment is nothing to do with excavators or heavy machinery. I work for an electrical utility as an electrical engineer maintaining and repairing HV networks. Sounds interesting maybe but must admit the health and safety now gets very frustrating sometimes.

I just have a JCB 8014 that I am about to use to clear some land to build a house and hence the interest.

By the way Maddog, sorry to take over your thread !


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2009
Adelaide South Australia
Thanks all for the answers. I wish I got a manual with it. Looked up some on ebay but can't really see spending 150.00 + for a book??????????
Whilst 150 for a book is a bit steep it is vital to have in order to maintain the machine at it's best. You may also find that if you go to sell the machine having an operators manual is a plus. You have to consider that the operators manual doubles as a maintenance manual.
Do you know the greasing interval of the slew ring? Do you know what type of hyd oil to use in winter? Is there a strainer in the hyd tank that needs cleaning every so many hours?
Perhaps if you consider that 150 bucks is round about 2 hours worth of mechanic rates, it won't seem so expensive.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
middle TN
Alan7264; no problem threads are there for info no matter where they seem to go :) I sent you an email, and thanks again for the manual info, BIG HELP.

Hendrik; you are correct about better to spend some now instead of a lot later. BUT doesn't $150+ seem a little high for a manual? Thanks to a tech that works at a local JCB company and others here, now including Alan7264, I found what I've needed. I also agree a manual is one of the best tools to have with a machine. I don't have a huge income so I have to deal with what I have. I'd rather have the oil for the machine then a book. I just don't understand why a manual has to be so expensive? I get mad at companies when they do mark ups especially on parts. example go to the name brand company and buy a simple bolt, now go to the local hardware store and buy the exact same type bolt. Not sure how it is there but over here there is a BIG difference in price. I'm not saying this is how JCB operates, don't really know for sure. But I've been to a lot of the name brand tractor companies around here and they'll give you a great big smile while they're reaching for your wallet. Well sorry about the rant, and I do understand your point, and agree to a point. I also feel that my money should be spent the best way possible, sometimes that takes time to find the best deal. other times I have to bite the bullet and go on.


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi Maddog,I have a jcb8080 excavator here in australia. The dealers pointblank have refused to get me a manual for it. I ended up buying one on UK ebay For only a few dollars This disc has backhoe ,skid steers and the compact excavator range ..I will have a look and see if your model is on the disc And if your interested i will try and get contact details if you want one.Only trouble i found with it is there is no index you can click on each different machine fileto take you to the section you want to look at ,so you have to click on each page to finally get to the one you want to look at .The 8080 one is over 700 pages ,if what you want to look at is on page 700 it's 700 clicks away.Hey are you the same maddog as from the cat forum? ian


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
middle TN
Thanks Ianoz, nope that must be another maddog on the cat forum. I only belong to a couple of forums tractorbynet and NYCTO. I just own small machinery, but have worked with big stuff. I do enjoy this site quite a bit, and really enjoy the pictures of all the different types of machinery.


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi Maddog,No worries.This internet makes the world a lot smaller place than it used to be.I have only been on this forum for a short time.So far i have found it to be a lot more hands on than the other one that i'm on, based in england..Have you got other machines besides the JCB?Ian.


Jun 16, 2009

Do you mind if I ask which UK forum you visit?

There never seems to be much going on with the UK forums of any sort. This may be generally unfair, but whenever I have asked such questions as how does this xxxx come apart etc, I usually get a reply saying best to take to a main dealer or get an expert etc. The US originated forums are much more keen to have a go and willing to take things to bits (and sometimes they even get them back together again !)


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi Alan 7264,The classic machinery network forum. There is a couple of retired fitters and ones that are still working that will answer questions and help if they can But most of the rest of them lives seem to revolve around getting photos of some machine ,any machine that they have spotted And posting them,most of the time without any infomation of what it is. The operators on there seem more worryed about taking photos of other guys machines ,bagging them because there is some scratchs on excavator counter weights or a bit of dirt on the cab floor. Don't get me wrong, there's some really good guys on there. I have looked at a farm tractor forum over there,but when i read a few of the posts and they go on about shades of paint not being correct and decals being out of place by a couple of inches I quickly decided that one wasn't for me. Have you seen CMN forum?If you haven't ,check it out and see what you think of it and tell me what you think,anyway it's after 2 am here and i've gotta go to work in the morning .Catch you later .ian.


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi holger, Mate i know it's based in europe but 90% if not more is UK stuff ,so thought it was easyer to say UK based. As Far as Tecknical Support with CMN goes .as i said There is not a lot of interest In that on CMN ,Not your fault just different type of people as forum members.The first question i asked on CMN was about track gear for my trackmarshall 55 dozer built in england. The first reply to that question was From an english guy saying he didn't know but heres a photo of a trackmarshall plowing.Holger , Go and have a look at the antiquie caterpillar machinery enthusiasts forum There like here ask a question and someone will answer,giving good helpfull advise.Not something that happens on CMN.When i am on your forum i do look for posts that no one has replyed to and see if i can make a usefull contrubution to it and try to get some thing happening on the thread ,knowing some poor bugger like myself has posted it and it gets ignored by the rest of the members.A good example is a post called my weekend drive in off topic.It had been on there for weeks without one single reply so I asked him to tell me a bit more about the traction engine in the photo ,which he did , Which then created intrest it the thread I then asked him how he moved it around to shows but never got a reply , Well as usual i'm used to that there ,i just move non to the next poor lonly post and see if it can be helped along.. Alan 7264 Asked what forum i was on as the forums he looked at nothing much happened on them ,I told him of CMN and hopefully he ,if its not one of the not much happening ones he's refering to in his eyes. He will look and if he likes join as others reading this will look and make their own mind up if it suits them or not. But any way holger it not me or you that That can make the change to CMN I ask the questions I need to know ,Its up to the other members to answer them if they can. If i dont get answers i move to the next forum and try there . When i do Try and stir the pot and get things moving i get offical repremands because some of thef orum members take offence at being told to get off their backsides and do something insteed of just looking ,So either way i have tryed its up to the other members to stop looking and start partisapating ,maybe some of the guys on here now will join and help with this as it is if i knew the answers i would not be asking the questions .But at the moment i am waiting to see if alan7264 gets back with his opinion ,if positive ,i've helped CMN a little bit ,if negitive ,well i tryed . Thats all i can do .ian.


Aug 1, 2006
If you looked at peoples profiles you will see a great deal of CMN's members
are just operators or enthusiasts or not even (like me)have a job connected
with plant/machinery.Just because you drive a JCB doesn't mean you know how it comes apart.There are ACMOC members etc plus a few Plant experts.
If you post a question and no one answers could it be no one knows the answer ? We can hardly start posting "sorry don't know"can we?
Why you worry so much about un-answered posts i don't know - ???
Unless more technical people either join or if they are members start to reply
theres not a lot anyone of us can do about it.
If people are happy to post a few pictures and make a few comments now and again then fair enough.
Remember you don't HAVE to go us or go on the forum.
I take it theres not an Australian forum then ?


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi Steve, In my last contact with you if you remember i had answered questions you had asked and then i asked some myself which you didnt reply to and then raved and ranted when i asked you on a different thread if you were going to answer my questions. I did appolagise to you when You said you weren't a truckdriver and didn't know the answers,To which you accepted appolagy and said you would look into finding some answers if you could,i am still waiting, but not the point. Read all the post and the previous couple of post and don't just pick on a piece of what i said that you dont like to start ranting about again. the main points are I said i liked this forum for its hands on approach,alan7264 asked me which forum i was on in Uk as all he had found,he wasn't happy with. I reply Told him there were some fitters on there that DID answer questions if they could. Holger agreed with me he would like to see more technical help on the forum But without the depth of members that can provide it ,it is not going to happen..There was a forum in australia The old machinery magazine forum But for reasons we have not been told ,it is closed.There is one that may interest you , historic commercial vehichle club forum And also truck mad people. And why i worry about unanswered posts is if someone puts a post up and doesn't get a reply after going back time after time to see if someone has replyed their less likely to post or come back again.. LOOK at the members list of the forum , Most have never posted or very rarely posted,so the ones that finnaly get brave enough to post don't need to be left feeling snubbed when no one answers them back. Finally this is what you guys all ways get upset about OFF TOPIC so, either give me a quick reply here to finalize this or PM me or take it back to CMN and not carry on here.As these guys seem to have more important thing to talk about. ian.


Aug 1, 2006
If people are that thin skinned they are going to get upset because no ones answered their post then thats human nature....nothing any of us can do about that.I would be more concerned at people posting and no one viewing.Some times the odd post you look at doesn't warrant a reply really.As this forum has nearly 9500 members compared to CMN's 1145 its never really going to compare the same is it? Like i said in my previous post depending on the type of person and their occupation will result in different replies to posts.I know how many post on CMN and how many don't and if those that do are not technically minded then those types of posts will go unanswered.On HEF my real only contribution was to guy that was rebuilding a MACK Midliner and as it was the same as a Renault i was able to help.I read what you said about HCEA - bugger all appears to happen - i read what you said about the tractor forum and worrying about shades of paint and decals in the wrong place.I don't know much about plant but some of the restorations on ACMOC i would say are the correct shade of paint with the correct decals on and if they weren't i bet it would soon be pointed out to them so not a lot different there then.
With regards my "RANT" as you put it lets just say there are ways of putting things


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi steve, I wasn't refering to CMN forum about tractors,It was another forum,which was like alan was talking about with uk based ones. Hopefully alan will get backand let us know what he thinks of it . No matter what forum ,all you can hope to do by posting is make a positive contrabution towards the forum .ian.


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2009
middle TN
Hi Maddog,No worries.This internet makes the world a lot smaller place than it used to be.I have only been on this forum for a short time.So far i have found it to be a lot more hands on than the other one that i'm on, based in england..Have you got other machines besides the JCB?Ian.

hello again, sorry I have not written latley been busy trying to get things done. yes I have some other small machines. A dozer and a tractor both sold by Northern Tool. I have owned other stuff in the past also old tractors and dozers. I allways enjoy seeing machinery what ever type it may be. Some of the old machines are kind of neat like an old Fordson tractor on a roller drive system.


Oct 31, 2003
Southwestern PA
Self employed excavator
So, here on good old red, white, and blue :usa HEF, we have an Aussie and a Brit, heatedly discussing the relative merits of the English language version of a Swedish language machinery site that's hosted in Germany and run by a German... :dizzy

I just love the internet! :D


Senior Member
Jun 12, 2009
Hi DIGGER 242J,Mate sorry about that.I shall try not to carry on a:Banghead with an englishman again. I have only been on here a short time and and i had been enjoying the hands on attatude of most of the forum members here. And now shall let maddog have his thread back.ian.