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Pacific trucks in the logging industy


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
Sounds like Western Forest Products is over come with it's power, to pretty much do as it wants. They are big and know that they can control a small company or companies, and do. Hope fully the news people will keep what is happening in the news till enough people push on the government to see the loss of valuable timber being left to rot and bugs to wreck. Throw in all the jobs lost or people out of work not able to pay bills, till they can go back to work. These are people who have proven know how and want to be working. If the government would put the right kind of pressure on WFP things would happen. Like pull their timber rights due to all the lost revenue, jobs, and waste of valuable timber, that would get things moving in the right direction.


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2013
The warm land on Vancuver Island
Retired Logger Retired Part time pebble hauler
Sounds like Western Forest Products is over come with it's power, to pretty much do as it wants. They are big and know that they can control a small company or companies, and do. Hope fully the news people will keep what is happening in the news till enough people push on the government to see the loss of valuable timber being left to rot and bugs to wreck. Throw in all the jobs lost or people out of work not able to pay bills, till they can go back to work. These are people who have proven know how and want to be working. If the government would put the right kind of pressure on WFP things would happen. Like pull their timber rights due to all the lost revenue, jobs, and waste of valuable timber, that would get things moving in the right direction.

Sadly HR MacMillan predicted this out come when the TFL program was being created in the early 1950's . He's probably looking down from above shaking his head , to much timber in to few hands .


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
You guys are both right on the money. Funny how a fellow in Florida (dirty4fun)can see the peril and fault in the BC Forests and yet our own government see's nothing. Western has in the7 1/2 years they have been in TFL 44 done nothing but abuse the very system that allowed them the temporary harvesting rights to the timber. Maybe the next government to sit in power will open up a total forest review and start taking back some of these TFL's. If done right, there is no telling what a success story this could be! Just imagine Timber being harvested FOR our next generation BY our next generation. We sacrificed the very forest industry AND our coastal Fishing industry all for what? Oh yes, LNG. OK that is my only political rant We will let the courts decide the fate of this crew and the community they live in.


Senior Member
Dec 29, 2010
HDX Thanks I just seems my legs are getting shorter or the fire higher as the way WFP is going about this really burns my a$$. There is a manufacturing plant in town that does a lot of work for John Deere. Over 2/3 of there work is for J D, mostly farm parts, and J D pretty much tells them what they will pay for parts. Makes them warehouse the parts, the dies and pays for them when they need them. Since J D is slow they only want a few parts mostly repairs, so if they have not manufactured extras when they ran the order they have to manufacture the few parts. The rub is that J D pays the same amount for a few as they do for hundreds. Often it costs 10-20 times more to set up the machine, order a small quantity of material, then the price they will receive. The plant is trying to make it with cutting back where they can, and have had to lay off over half of their work force. I hope they can stay open till the farm machinery business picks up again.
Oh HDX I am back in N. Illinois but can see where to few have to much control there!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
Anyone know what pressure the air systems are supposed to be at in the old P9 trucks? I picked one up a couple of weeks ago and it takes forever to build just over 60 psi. Even when it gets to 90 psi it seems i have no brake power what so ever. I got under the truck the other day to see if any of the brake pods were even moving and only one moved but only a 1/4 inch maybe. Parking brake on or off made no difference. I'm getting pressure to the rear just seems like i'm missing something. Air compressor shot? Brake pods seized? I should be able to lock up the tires should i not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
There was a some at the bottom of one of the tanks yes but not a huge amount. The air shifter leaks air and has a small amount coming out of it but i didn't think enough to be a problem. No idea if the brakes are in adjustment, right now only one brake pod moves and it's a small amount. There are no backing plates on the drums and i can see that the pads are in fairly decent shape. I should add i can move the truck around with the parking brake on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
Would it be worth it to rebuild the old brake pods or get new ones? Three of them are original to the truck (1973).
Can i even rebuild the pump of this vintage?


Dec 8, 2014
Be VERY careful with those brake pots, there is a huge spring in there. DO NOT TRY TO TAKE THEM APART!!!! Buy new pots they are cheap 44 bucks depending on the style.I am not sure on the sty;e you have but be careful. They will take anybody part they touch clean off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
I wouldn't be rebuilding them if it was even possible i would just unbolt them and send them out. The fourth newer pod has MGM type 30 stamped on it with the usual warnings.

Is it pots or pods? I've sen it spelled both ways.

Another question, there are four air pressure gauges the one next to the parking brake knobs isn't hooked up anymore but the three on the left side of the steering wheel do. What pressures should i be seeing on the two when i hit the brake pedal? With the main tank at 90 they maybe hit 30 to 40 psi. Seems low to me.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
ATCme What kind of engine is in the truck? Is it a 8V71 GM? As Former wrench mentioned, there are a few different things you can look for. Let us know what engine you have With that problem I am thinking you do have a GM in it. Can be several things, but start with the obvious first. Don't start tearing things apart only to find out that something else is/was the problem. The guys on here are some of the best you can talk to regarding this little problem. Could be as simple as a plugged air filter on the compressor. That would partially explain the oil in the air tank and your air system and slow building air thing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
It is the 8v71. The truck came with an 350 hp originally, then was swapped for a 318 out of a tyrex then a 350 was put back in. The intake comes in from the trucks intake before the turbo so as far as i can see it uses the air filter from the engine which is brand new. I had the engine running backwards for a few seconds when it rolled backwards while in third would that hurt the pump?


Former Wrench

Senior Member
Jan 3, 2014
Montesano, WA
Amen to farmIT. I was once taking a brake can apart manually because the safety override slot was damaged and I could not get the cross bolt hooked up. I had it in a hydraulic press and when I had the cylinder backed off as far as it would go the spring still had not given up all tension. I was playing with it when the can shot out of the press, screamed across the shop, and put a sizeable dent in a sheet metal wall. Even at way less than half tension, it would have knocked me down. If you don't know what you are doing here, don't do it. These things are dangerous if not treated right.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2010
East Of Sarita
Did you put the truck in high gear and let the clutch out to stop the engine once you had it running backwards??? It is common to have this happen. Just stall the engine to kill it. It does not do anything to the engine. You probably have the B/W Trueflow 500 single compressor on her. Undo the airline from the compressor to the air tank and see how much air it is producing. Take a spray bottle of soapy water and start spraying your air lines Big ones first Go to the brake valve and spray the air lines from it also. Old air lines will lose air faster than you would believe. Old air lines will leak air all over the place. After you have hosed down your lines and found the problem ones make new ones and replace them. Then get somebody to help you and install a 0 to 150 lb air gauge on each of the rear boosters (do this one at a time) and check to see how much air you are getting to each wheel back there. Just release the maxi brakes and then make a 60 lb application on each brake This will help you eliminate some of the problems.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
I was going up a bit of a hill and since I'm new to the tranny i missed a gear and it rolled back while in third. Once i dropped the clutch rolling backward it fired backward. Seemed like the engine never stopped but when i tried shifting first to second i was going backwards. i hit the stop button on the dash and restarted it and went forward again. In order for me to stop the truck on a hill i have to kill the engine in bull low without hitting the clutch.

I'll work my way back from the pump. This is my first air brake truck so it may take me awhile to figure it all out. Most of the leaks i have already fixed but one, the shifter for the air tranny.

On the first diff there is an airline that goes into a mechanism on the side of it that leads to one of the knobs for the parking brake, what does it do?

I'll take pictures of everything as i go so you guys can see what i'm dealing with.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2011
machine fitter/fabricator
I certainly recognize the power steering tank...P-9's were finished when I started at Pacific but I remember finding some P-9 name plates laying around in one of the bins...They are stashed away here some where..
I am sure the guys here will walk you through your problems..Where in BC are you???
Some full on pictures would be nice..
Welcome to the forum....


Active Member
Jan 18, 2013
port alberni
ATCme from an empty tank to full pressure 120pis should be around 5 to 7 min. if your truck has been parked for a few years it is very common for the brake shoes to rust to the anchor pins and not let the shoes move. usually by greasing the S-cam tube and using a hammer and drift and hit the brake shoes buy the anchor pins you can free them up it might take a bit to do or pull each wheel apart and clean all the parts up and put back together. I would have to see a picture of the front diff to see what you are talking about but I think you are looking at a locker or the power divider


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
Here's a link to my other thread that got no response.


I answered my own question about the engine. I phoned the past owners mechanic afterward and found the back history on why they pulled it and put the orange rock box on it. The truck sits at our farm here in Langley but when or if it ever gets fixed it will be going up to our acreage in Creston.

More pics incoming when i figure out how to get them off my phone.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
ATCme from an empty tank to full pressure 120pis should be around 5 to 7 min. if your truck has been parked for a few years it is very common for the brake shoes to rust to the anchor pins and not let the shoes move. usually by greasing the S-cam tube and using a hammer and drift and hit the brake shoes buy the anchor pins you can free them up it might take a bit to do or pull each wheel apart and clean all the parts up and put back together. I would have to see a picture of the front diff to see what you are talking about but I think you are looking at a locker or the power divider

I'm sure you are correct on the brakes being seized but the shoes aren't stuck to the drums. Two drums did get hot after a day of driving it around to get the motor warmed up. I greased everything and i will let it sit for a day before i try hammering on it. The truck last drove in 2011.