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Praise Jesus HEF is Back!!!

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Dam! Dave if this bunch are keeping you sane I'd be worried about your definition of "sane"!
Right now the biggest thing I have to look forward to is chemo on Mondays, yippee. It's good to see what others are up to and also see some funny posts. Went to a stroke clinic last week because I was having trouble reading and speaking the right words the previous week. I was better after a couple hours but have a history of this that has lasted longer in 2011 and the worst in 1991. They treated me for encephalitis in 1991 but surprisingly told me I was negative when it was mentioned in 2011. They want to do another test but are thinking it's headache related. I rarely get headaches so am worried when I get one. It was scary in 1991 because I completely lost my memory. It took me 17 hours to be able to repeat the nurse's name. She was asking me every hour. Her name was Janet and I said Janice. She said close enough. I was getting Acylover 3 times a day for 10 days and couldn't leave the hospital floor even to go for a walk with family. They kept me in a room across from the nurse's station. Just being able to converse with others and see what they're up to does keep me better occupied where I can stay positive.

RollOver Pete

Senior Member
Mar 5, 2007
Indio, Ca
Operating Engineer/mechanic
And I thought to myself, " self..
You did it now. You pissed someone off and got banned " .


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2021
Right now the biggest thing I have to look forward to is chemo on Mondays, yippee. It's good to see what others are up to and also see some funny posts. Went to a stroke clinic last week because I was having trouble reading and speaking the right words the previous week. I was better after a couple hours but have a history of this that has lasted longer in 2011 and the worst in 1991. They treated me for encephalitis in 1991 but surprisingly told me I was negative when it was mentioned in 2011. They want to do another test but are thinking it's headache related. I rarely get headaches so am worried when I get one. It was scary in 1991 because I completely lost my memory. It took me 17 hours to be able to repeat the nurse's name. She was asking me every hour. Her name was Janet and I said Janice. She said close enough. I was getting Acylover 3 times a day for 10 days and couldn't leave the hospital floor even to go for a walk with family. They kept me in a room across from the nurse's station. Just being able to converse with others and see what they're up to does keep me better occupied where I can stay positive.
Feel better soon!