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Pre-cast beam lands on Uhaul truck

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
When I worked at the mall they had pipes hanging on chains at every entrance to the parkade. Just slightly high they'd swing out of the way. Too high you'd pull the pipe supports down. The supports were fairly short and bolted to concrete risers. Occasionally they'd get knocked down and have to be fixed. They were a decent design that shouldn't kill anybody who drove into one. Most of the time the vehicle just drove away, either because of embarrassment or so they wouldn't get fined. There would be some damage to the vehicle but it's insane to have a 10 to 30 ton concrete beam just sitting on a small support with no attachment at all. The U-haul truck should have had the box destroyed a couple feet back and the truck maybe stuck underneath requiring it to be towed backwards. It's quite amazing no one was killed. I'd think who ever engineered or approved that beam mounting could be found guilty of negligence. You can't fix stupid for driving into it but you should take appropriate steps if stupid happens. It would be interesting to hear what happens. Would be a whole lot more interesting if someone was killed.

Wonder who would be held liable if the beam also fell on a parked car? It could have been a lot worse.
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Senior Member
Jun 21, 2021
kent, wa
Yeah stupid engineering. No need for that over priced beam in the first place. If you can't pin it then add more purchase area, and block it in with something so it can not be slid off. Gee no big college engineering degree required for just simple logic.

Hmm wonder if the engine was still running after the fact?

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Stupid or no engineering? Even drilling a couple holes for lengths of rebar would have prevented the beam from falling. Wonder if "someone" forgot to secure the beam? There should be a lot more signs before the beam as well. A pipe hanging on chains before the beam would be a simple way to alert drivers before they crashed into the death beam.