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questions??? Again. bear with me.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2004
Shelton CT
self employed
the above was for chips and there was somebody else talking about sending there kid to a school in ct., but now cant find the thread

if accepted all it cost is sweat and time:pointhead

Yes I am aware of the union course, I tried to get accepted about three years ago, But they told me they filled all the spots, I went for the operator part of the course, But I guess it will not hurt to give them a call and see when the next application week is and see what they say.Because the date on the ad is jan 2007 which I think has past :D but thanks for the info.

Unless you know any info about when the next class starts?:beatsme


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2004
Shelton CT
self employed
Okay update, I talked to the sales person for the school( the mechanic school), and I have to go up there on the 22nd to take a placement test. ( not sure what for when you already know what you are going to scholl for but hey) After I take the tes I get a tour of the school, and then get three days to make up my mind weather or not I want to go there. Now I can take longer then three days but i will lose my $100.00 enrollment fee, But I will see what they have to offer and will take it from there. If all goes well I should be starting At baren on the 14th of oct and slated to graduate in january of 2009. I am taking the course which will also get me my class a liscens while i am in school, Which should make me more marketable to future employers... I hope.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2004
Shelton CT
self employed
Okay update, I talked to the sales person for the school( the mechanic school), and I have to go up there on the 22nd to take a placement test. ( not sure what for when you already know what you are going to scholl for but hey) After I take the tes I get a tour of the school, and then get three days to make up my mind weather or not I want to go there. Now I can take longer then three days but i will lose my $100.00 enrollment fee, But I will see what they have to offer and will take it from there. If all goes well I should be starting At baren on the 14th of oct and slated to graduate in january of 2009. I am taking the course which will also get me my class a liscens while i am in school, Which should make me more marketable to future employers... I hope.

UPDATE! I started class at Baren today, it seems good, but I am having second thoughts. See I got the jest of the field from the instructor, instead of the school rep, and I am wondering if I made the right descion. I have but only a short time to change my mind as the longer you stay in the less you get back, I am stumped and cant decide. I listen to him say he has been doing this for 20 years, but had to get out due to bad back,knees, etc. Well I already have bad knees from baseball( when I was younger), and my back still bothers me from a old car accident. I guess ing I should of went with the operator side instead, but i listen to the shirts and tie guys ( I think you can guess who I am talking about) and liked the fact I have accsess to all these cool tools, and stuff like that ( stupid I know) and now I am thinking that was wrong choice. Any suggestions???


Active Member
Jul 27, 2007
Funeral Industry
I haven't followed this from day one but I have read this entire thread.
Here is my quick opinion.

You are in a fine field and a really good position. Just like anything you're gonna have to pay your dues but the upside is: You work even in the rain.

Plain and simple that is a big plus. Get this training under your belt and then in a few years go back and get an operator cert too.

Now look at how desireable you are.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2007
Belton SC
I haven't followed this from day one but I have read this entire thread.
Here is my quick opinion.

You are in a fine field and a really good position. Just like anything you're gonna have to pay your dues but the upside is: You work even in the rain.

Plain and simple that is a big plus. Get this training under your belt and then in a few years go back and get an operator cert too.

Now look at how desireable you are.

I think you're right on the target with that statement thehose! I'm just a Mechanic/Welder. But I've never crawled up on any machine that I couldn't perform the basics with. I've said it before and I'll repeat it now I ain't no operator but i sure like trying at times.

chipsearthworks, there's more to this than just what will make you the most money. You need to find what you love doing and make that your carreer. The reason I say this is I've seen a lot of guys with what I would call a great job just walk away from it after a while. Mainly because they came to hate what they were doing. Oh sure there are times when we all get upset with our jobs but most of the time it's over in a day or so.

Some folks are operators some are mechanics and others are foremen. The bottom line is enjoy your work and you'll have a feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day. And never let someone else tell you what your job should be. You may have to try on a few hats before you find the right one. But you'll know it's the one because it'll fit like it was made for ya.

BTW on the mechanic or operator being more important. This is my take on that the operator is more important because if he don't tear up something I don't work. And I guess if I was an operator the mechanic would be more important cause if he didn't fix my machine I wouldn't work.

So don't be afraid yo try on a few hats, cause a lot of us here have.


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2004
Shelton CT
self employed
well a year later this is a update. I ****ed up big time,:Banghead got side tracked and lost the finachel aid to go to school. So a year later I am going to give it a nother try. This time i am sticking with it I am going to go with the Mechanic side of this trade. I am hoping I can get all my ducks in a row so i can start in the october class. Again I will admit whe screw up and man did I screw up by walking away from the mechanic school.:pointhead But i WILL not make that mistake again... So wish me luck..... AGAIN!:eek:


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
Concord, NH
bulldozer excuvator operator
i went to the one in nh and i do have to say really helped me put my foot in the door but alot of thing u learn are not at school nothing beat on the job training