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Questions for IUOE local 150 members

Steve Favia

Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2019
Retired local 150 Operating Engineer
I'm applying for equipment operator. I'm not really sure on how to write a recommendation letter for myself tho ether. Im not the best at tooting my own horn. I've tried looking at examples. They all seem pretty bland and I'm sure have been copied and used a million times
You can write you’re own letter list all of you’re qualifications and have them sign it with their membership numbers,without the letters the application will be tossed,good luck like Tinkerer said their taking people now.


Active Member
Oct 9, 2021
Chicago, IL
Yeah the letters are more about just having someone involved with the union sign it then the content. I doubt they thoroughly read them. Just write you’re dependable and will be a good union brother and someone to sign it. Mine were a couple sentences each, less than half a page. CDL is a big plus. Operator is definitely the most popular and hardest to get. But if you have operating experience and a cdl I imagine you’ll get the call for an evaluation next spring once everyone is back to work.