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Should have worn the new gloves

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I had to do some welding and forgot I had a new pair of gloves in my truck. Bad mistake! My old left hand glove got a cut in it from a grinder and it acts like a funnel for sparks... This is the result. It was a big water bluster but the skin got ripped off. Thankfully it doesn't hurt. I just need to keep it clean.


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Senior Member
Jan 18, 2007
Perth, Western Australia.
Semi-Retired ..
Pure Lavender Essential oil is a MUST for minor burns! Keep some on hand at all times, when you run a risk of burns from welding or other workshop heat-producing items.
The instant you get a burn, slosh a heap of neat Lavender Essential oil on it, keep the whole burn area wet with Lavender oil for 20-30 minutes - until the pain starts to subside. Then keep dabbing some more on, as the hours go by.

You will be AMAZED at the results of using Lavender oil on burns. The pain levels will be only 10% of untreated burns.
A lot of the time, the burn won't even blister. The healing time ends up 3-4 days, instead of 10-14 days.

The only thing is, you can't use Lavender oil on really deep 3rd degree burns. When that happens, get to a hospital, fast.

The greatest single problem with Lavender Essential oil is ensuring it's kept within reach, so you can grab it fast, once you've got a burn.
The longer you leave it after a burn, before you apply the Lavender oil, the worse the burn will end up.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I had to go the Dr. on Monday anyways and he put some cream on it and wrapped it up. I left it wrapped for a day. I took the pic. after I unwrapped it. The cream really helped. It made a kind of skin over the wound so it wasn't draining fluid. He said to put Polysporin on it and a dressing. I don't want it to get infected. I had a good bead going so didn't stop welding right away.
Years ago I got a 3rd degree burn on my ankle. I had to have the dressing changed daily for a week and they put a special burn cream on it so I wouldn't get a scab.

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
Damn, I've been carefully trying to protect it but it opened up again. More Polysporin and a new bandaid. I need to find a larger size glove to wear when ever I'm using my hand for almost anything.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2023
I finally dug out new gloves after burning myself many times from the holes. Gloves probably 6-7 yrs old.

And within 2hrs, I knocked the grinder over and somehow it triggered on for a second on my new gloves and ripped a hole right through.