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Suggestion for all the new members

Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
First of all welcome to the forum. I've noticed a lot of new members recently. While it's good to post in the new members forum and introduce yourselves I think it would benefit them if they looked through the different forums first before making a thread concerning a machine issue you have. You are more likely to get faster and better responses if you post in the appropriate forum rather than posting in the General Industry Questions forum. Ie/ if you have a backhoe, post in the tractor backhoe loader forum, if you have a track loader with steel tracks that is not a CTL, post in the track loader forum and conversely if you have a compact track loader post in the CTL forum, if you have a skid steer post in the skid steer forum rather than the wheel loader forum etc. There are some topics best suited to the general industry forum or if you're not sure where to post but trying to post in the proper forum will likely get you better results. Anyway that's my suggestion. Maybe the mods. could condense for it for me.


Aug 3, 2016
Oops! Sorry welder Dave, all I have is this tinny little cell phone to poke at and read from. And doing so through 64 years of flash burn, metal burrs, and scratched up dollar store glasses I can not see so well. I hope I have not inconvenienced anyone. And I hope I get some good info to. Again apologies in advance, root pass Rick. Lol Dave, lol.