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This will be an interesting thread moving forward......


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2022
We all know that's the game that they are playing, but why would they think he would even consider going W-2? I've been floating this comment around ever since this fiddle-faddle about the higher-ups being concerned began. The notion that they even think there is a number that Ve would consider is ludicrous. They have been writing him checks for well over 5 years. They know what he is banking working as a sub.

We all know what they are striving for. To lock VE in as their sole repair man, at a reduced rate of pay from what he has been billing. Yes, I know, Captain Obvious. But, their thoughts are offer to pay so much per month, quarter, whatever, and he doesn't have to worry about anything besides showing up and fixing. No more service truck to keep up, no more fuel bill, no more paperwork, on and on.

But, here's the problem. What they think VE is going to be willing to accept, and what that number might actually be are probably 6 digits apart. They are NOT just buying a man, they are buying Blue Sky. A business. And businesses don't come cheap.
It's a trap and they like his work but not what it costs. Some people in management know what he makes and it's much more than they make and they are trying to significantly lower it.

They will treat you differently as an employee under complete control vs a contractor that can tell them pound sand as he can get other business.

I'd run.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota

Run from what?? The gravy train? Somehow I get the feeling that VE enjoys this place, and his part in it. Why would he still be there 6 years later?

Or, is it a matter of survival? Could he really be as successful without these guys? Somehow that seems unlikely the more this saga drags on....................otherwise why so much deliberation? Probably because VE likes the drama, hmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2022
Run from what?? The gravy train? Somehow I get the feeling that VE enjoys this place, and his part in it. Why would he still be there 6 years later?

Or, is it a matter of survival? Could he really be as successful without these guys? Somehow that seems likely the more this saga drags on....................
Run from taking a job as an employee.

He has it good now but if they work a deal he becomes an employee he can never go back to being a contractor with them if it doesn't work out or they don't keep their promises.

Too each his own many variables some people shouldn't be in business for themselves and they don't like risk want a steady paycheck and some don't make good employees like playing politics and should be in business to earn what they are worth.
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Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
Run from what?? The gravy train? Somehow I get the feeling that VE enjoys this place, and his part in it. Why would he still be there 6 years later?

I came to the conclusion a long time ago that VE doesn't need this contract or any other for that matter. He likes what he does, likes the drama and makes good money on it.


Senior Member
Aug 14, 2014
North Dakota
I came to the conclusion a long time ago that VE doesn't need this contract or any other for that matter. He likes what he does, likes the drama and makes good money on it.
And if he's going to punch a clock along with trying to beat the stupid out of newbies, he's going to get at least as much as he gets now, or more.


Welder Dave

Senior Member
Oct 11, 2014
I think VE is mostly just frustrated with the way they do things and not having a big enough shop or a too cluttered shop to work in. He's obviously making good money off them. Being an employee could give the company a fixed amount they pay him each week/month. Not necessarily less money than he's making. I think it could depend on how the contract was written. Maybe VE could negotiate a 40 hour week (or less) and overtime after that and only for real emergencies. There's too many unknowns until he talks to them.

hvy 1ton

Senior Member
Jul 24, 2006
Lawrence, KS
Does the company still have a fuel and lube truck that just sits? That's where they need to start. Get someone out there doing PM and looking for problems.

@Vetech63 I'm assuming the same trust issues preclude you bringing someone on? Train someone up for a few years and sell the entire business to the company when you're ready to quit.


Senior Member
Feb 21, 2010
Hermann, Missouri
Cheap "old" Geezer
Been nothing but bad feelings here as well. See all too much repeat concerns that I went thru decades ago, would not care to repeat them Myself again.

A Great Deal of respect for those that are making it as Independent Tradesmen. I tried I failed as do roughly a third of us wrench swingers trying to make our own business. Some times just happens and runs out really good, others slog along and manage to make a great living. Others again try to enter wrong time wrong economics or economic region. Not for sissies or weak minded.

Stepping back across the mark to work as someone’s employee was ego crushing but did OK, managed to find upgrade positions and stepped out of the business as remained a frustrated not making enough where spending too much on basic tooling mechanic to do as much as could in as many directions as could to make that elusive big money on a payroll that never existed.

Local Inde needs help here, offered me a truck with some specialty equipment but never stated money. Finally pushed hard to see if would jump, looked straight at him and said $125/hr to 40, then double time. Then repeated do not waste my time on this. He has stopped offering, I never intended to go back to severe service work.


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2019
Jack of all trades/Master of none
I think VE is mostly just frustrated with the way they do things and not having a big enough shop or a too cluttered shop to work in.

If the man was really that frustrated he would have either set his conditions or walked away a long time ago. That's what independant guys do.

Truck Shop

Senior Member
Dec 7, 2015
Really vetech - is wasting his time in repair work. He should be nominated for best leading
actor and director of a soap opera.
You guy's are like a bunch of women setting around in a laundry mat back in the 50's/60's
discussing what's happening on the Edge of Night with a hanky in hand.
Vetech--you need to rename your thread the {Cutting Edge of Bulldozer}.:)


Senior Member
Jun 5, 2016
Claremore, OK
Field Mechanic
I think his allegiance to the company stems from his years working for the father. I’ve talked to him and what’s lost in posts on here vs talking in person is the humor and laughter in his voice. He knows they won’t pay him what it would take, he’s aware of how hard it is to find people. In his mind, and this is me making assumptions, if he can squeeze a strong number out of them for a couple years until he’s ready to retire that gives him a reasonably solid number to plan with. Also, if they buy him out lock stock and barrel then that headache is gone as well when the time comes.

There are headaches with them or any other business regardless of 1099 or W2. One ain’t any better than the other, it’s a personal choice. He’ll have to work hard and continue dealing with the daily drama and BS either way. Hell I could be 100% wrong too, wouldn’t be the first time! lol

I’m in the same boat, my biggest customer is constantly asking me how much for my shop and how much a week salary. Sure it’s a way to control some costs but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I did give him a number and it’s essentially what I make after I pay all my business related bills plus some blue sky. Also I’d probably owner carry the shop so I’d make a tidy chunk of interest as well. If I did that right I could hang it up in 10 years or so if I wanted to. Who knows!!


Senior Member
Jun 3, 2022
Hays, Kansas
Really vetech - is wasting his time in repair work. He should be nominated for best leading
actor and director of a soap opera.
You guy's are like a bunch of women setting around in a laundry mat back in the 50's/60's
discussing what's happening on the Edge of Night with a hanky in hand.
Vetech--you need to rename your thread the {Cutting Edge of Bulldozer}.:)

Also reminds me of that Andy Griffith episode to see who gossiped more


Senior Member
Aug 10, 2016
Next meeting next Tuesday at 2 pm. Just can't wait! :rolleyes:

Let's change the subject for a minute or 2...........let's play "Dumb **** moves."

Just when I thought I had seen everything......something new comes along that just has you thinking "WTF?!"

Got a call over a week ago about a Broce broom that would not start. I didn't have time to look at it at that moment, so the super put in a new battery. Next morning he called again........no start, no electric anywhere. He jumper cables it, starts and runs all day. He decided that the new battery they put in was defective, so he goes and gets another. He again has to jump start it with a new battery, runs all day again. He calls me saying "I don't think it's the alternator. It just doesn't make sense.....I'm frustrated.......when can you get here?"

I go up there yesterday and find......
HMMMMM........that's a new one!